What does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about avoiding fatty foods, cutting back on caffeine, and joining an expensive gym. Health is not just about your body size; it’s about being happy within yourself, avoiding harmful situations and substances, and taking care of yourself as a whole. Ideally, it would be a lifetime commitment, but everyone knows that temptation is unavoidable and if being healthy means getting bored and deprived, then it will all go away quickly.

So what to avoid and what to adopt are key questions. Fundamentally, it should be obvious. Everything in moderation is the best way to see it. Yes, you can enjoy pork ribs, but not three times a week! You can party into the wee hours of the morning on Friday night and aim for more restorative activities on Saturday night. Living a healthy lifestyle is all about balance. You know what is good for you, but you want what makes you feel good.

Exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding stress are the three most important ways you can make sure you live a healthy lifestyle. It is also good to consider prevention. Get regular checkups with your doctor and dentist. Get your Pap smears / prostate exams, breast exams, and any other exams that help you detect any potential dangers to your health early.

Be aware of how much you enjoy your life or not. If every day seems like one more reason to delay your feet, then do something about it. We’ve long been dead, live your life while you’re here. Do you hate your job? Find alternative employment. Marriage problems? Seek advice. Sure, it’s not as simple as a two or three word answer, but identifying what ails you and rectifying it is the answer. Living a healthy lifestyle is up to you and only you.