Scalp Inflammation: How An Itchy Inflammatory Scalp Can Lead To Hair Loss

So what is an inflammation of the scalp? An inflammation of the scalp is a chronic scalp problem that is quite impossible to ignore due to the hellish discomfort it brings with it. Scalp inflammation has many vivid symptoms that are very easy to identify and cannot be suppressed. If you are suffering from excessive scalp sensitivity, scalp redness, psoriasis, flaking, extreme itching and/or a series of bumps/pimples on your scalp, you are showing symptoms of severe scalp inflammation. This type of condition usually occurs when there is an underlying problem.

The cause of an inflamed scalp can be a number of things ranging from neglected hygiene, diet, stress, internal hormonal imbalances, or a bacterial/fungal infection.

A scalp inflammation can best be described as a type of scalp condition characterized by severe itching, redness, and pimples on the scalp, oily scalp, excessive flaking, crusting, and even bleeding. Scalp inflammation occurs when a small problem, such as one or two bumps (also known as pimples) on the scalp, multiply and become intense to the point where the discomfort it causes rises to a highly intolerable degree.

However, it’s important to note that scalp inflammation doesn’t just happen out of the blue, except in situations where its causes may be directly related to the use of harsh hair products. If harsh hair products are ruled out as the culprit for an inflamed scalp, this usually indicates a more serious problem that needs immediate attention and needs to be addressed with the correct medical remedy.

The fact that you can see some redness on your scalp should always be a red flag that a big problem is developing and is about to break out. Like many other scalp problems, scalp inflammation can certainly lead to hair loss. But before you panic about your particular inflammatory scalp problem, know that hair loss only occurs in cases where the person suffering from the inflammatory condition is unable to find a real cure within a certain period of time. (usually a couple of months).

You see, the longer it takes to find a cure for an inflamed scalp, the more time the inflammation has to mature into more drug-resistant conditions. When that happens, it will induce an extremely irritable sensation in the scalp that will make it impossible to resist having to scratch your head.

When you start scratching an inflamed scalp on a regular basis, you will cause more damage that will create tears/bruises on your scalp. This in turn will cause the hair follicles to break open to become easily infected. If this process continues and is not stopped quickly within the first few months it started, your scalp will become weak. A weakened, infected and inflamed scalp leads to hair loss. Not only that, it also leads to many wasted visits to the doctor’s office and hundreds of dollars ($850+) down the drain!