Pro Blogging Tips: How to Boost Your Blog at Full Speed ​​in 3 Easy Steps

There are only a few professional bloggers in the world who know the “secret” to running their blog at full capacity. These are the same bloggers that are known for attracting hordes of traffic like bees to honey.

And this is only part of the truth. Most of the so-called “professional bloggers” are playing “underground”, away from the public eye, quietly printing money on demand.

They are not writing “blogging” books, nor giving any “blogging tips” advice. They just play the game and savor every second!

If you wanted to learn their “secrets”, you had to become good friends with one of them, also observe carefully what they are doing and dissect their strategies, step by step.

Without a full understanding of how these professionals play the blogging game and more importantly why, you will never enjoy full speed blogging and the benefits that come with it.

My “luck” is that I am [good] friends with some of these professional bloggers [mostly making six-figures or more a year] and they also have a great understanding of their hidden business strategies.

And you’d be crazy if you didn’t keep reading and listening to what I have to say. You are only a few seconds away from unlocking the vault to blog at full speed, but don’t be fooled: having the keys to the vault does NOT guarantee any results or profits. And these bloggers know it! That is why they are successful in finding the right key for the right vault, at the right time.

The plain truth is that only professional bloggers are capable of generating so much traffic that it can fatten your bank account in a week more than 1,000 regular bloggers would in a year, plus freeze your entire web hosting account at the same time. .

How about the little one? Can he do it too? What are his options?

First of all, professional bloggers are not born skilled or genius. They had no advantage over you. Most started from scratch and climbed to the top, step by step.

Yes, there are some shortcuts. But you can’t miss the essential steps, or you’ll fall. Today we are going to take a look at the first step to blogging at full speed.

As one of my favorite motivational speakers, Brian Tracy, said, “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

The first step to professional blogging success begins with building the foundation of your business.

All professional bloggers built their business before they started blogging, or at least created a business game plan or strategy.

Forget everything you’ve heard about blogs: content, traffic, RSS, wordpress. This is not important for now! What counts is defining your business strategy. Work your game plan.

Your blog is just “another” platform [far better, advanced and more comprehensive than Twitter, e-mail, or anything else out there] to start, build and expand your business.

To finish the first step you have to ask yourself these three questions [take a pen and jot down the answers right away]

Q1 – What I know or am very passionate about that others could use to improve their life, business or career

Q2: How can I package what I know or am passionate about into an easy-to-digest informational product that I can deliver to my audience?

Q3: Who is my ideal prospect, the individual or company, willing to pay their attention and money for my information?

Skip this step and you will ALWAYS be stuck with blogging and business in general. But, work the questions, then move on. The next article reveals the second step, stay tuned.