Guess the gender of the newborn – Semi-scientific tests and strategies to guess the gender of the baby

There are several tests and strategies rooted in scientific theory to be used to predict the sex of the baby:

• Baby heart rate test
• Shettles Method
• Fertility awareness method

Newborn Gender Prediction: Baby Heart Rate Test: This semi-scientific method/myth used to estimate the baby’s gender is common and safe. Basically, if your doctor tells you that your baby’s heart rate is high (greater than 140 to 160 beats per minute), you may be having a girl. If your baby’s heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute, you may have a boy.

Take note: scientific studies fail to show any correlation between guessing the baby’s gender and heart rate.

Predicting the baby’s gender – Shettles Method – Men who regularly participate in athletics or wear tight underwear are said to promote guessing the baby’s gender due to the temperature of the scrotum. Considering that sports and tight underwear constrict the scrotum, the temperature becomes too high for semen. According to Shettles’ technique for estimating the sex of the baby, the heat will kill the chromosomes of both the boy and the girl. But keep in mind that much less protected and smaller Y chromosomes will be killed faster by heat, meaning you’re much more likely to have a girl.

Baby Gender Prediction – Fertility Awareness Method – Gender selection tactics to guess the gender of the newborn use the timing of intercourse and ovulation. Strategies to predict the sex of the baby are also largely related to the different properties of sperm (X and Y chromosomes). These concepts of estimating the sex of the baby are the basis of the Fertility Awareness Method. An amazing book called “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Westchler teaches the concepts of the Fertility Awareness Method.

“Fertility Awareness is a remarkable awareness system that uses your two basic fertility signs, your waking temperature and cervical fluid, to accurately gauge when you’re ovulating. Such critical information serves as a window into your cycle, allowing you to practice effective natural birth control or achieving pregnancy, as well as to illuminate you on the full range of life’s menstrual mysteries.In fact charting your cycles with FAM [Fertility Awareness Method] will show you, among other things:

• The difference between perfectly normal cyclical cervical secretions and true vaginal infections.
• When to expect your next period.
• Whether or not you are ovulating.
• Whether or not you are pregnant.
• Your true due date, if it really is!

It is unfortunate that the Fertility Awareness Method is even mentioned as a method, because in reality, it should be seen as a fundamental life skill that all women should learn, just as they are now taught basic feminine hygiene. This is because the practical knowledge women gain from charting their cycles will help them from puberty through menopause and all life phases in between” (quote from Toni Weschler).

“Taking Charge of Your Fertility” is a fantastic book that encourages women to understand their fertility cycle and take control to predict the gender of the baby. Consequently, women feel more comfortable with their bodies and know when something is wrong because they know what is supposed to be right. For example, a banker doesn’t find out what each counterfeit bill looks and feels like. There are several to learn and they are constantly changing. Instead, the banker learns what an authentic bill looks and feels like so he can quickly select replica bills. Similarly, women should invest their time in understanding what is normal in their body. Due to this fact, abnormal symptoms will probably be easy to determine.