How to use yogurt to dry up cold sores

Cold sores have an annoying way of appearing just when you have a major event in your life. The fact is that they are usually caused by the commonly found herpes virus. This virus usually lives in the human body without showing any outward symptoms until some kind of stress triggers it to break out like a cold sore. The herpes virus is not a threat to the body in any way, but it acts whenever you are in a stressful situation for a long period of a few days to weeks and then usually appears in a sore. This is one way to know if you are facing stress in your life! Isn’t it wonderful how your body sends messages to communicate with you about what you are feeling or facing? I think this is awesome! Anyway, moving on to how you can get rid of a cold sore naturally…

The fastest way to get rid of one is to follow the famous yogurt therapy explained by Lou Schlachter, former dean of the University of North Carolina. Lou now teaches herbal and folk medicine at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Here is her yogurt recipe for relief:

Apply a teaspoon of cultured yogurt to the sore several times a day. What happens is that the active microorganisms in the cultured yogurt “attack” the virus in the sore. This reduces itching and helps heal pain faster. Just in time for that perfect occasion in your life!

I hope you found this natural home remedy tip for cold sore relief helpful.