Differences Between SodaStream Models

Many people want to get a SodaStream but have no idea which model is best for them. It can be hard to choose, especially when the SodaStream company doesn’t have information highlighting the differences between the models. Here is a brief overview explaining which features are unique to the models.

There are currently eight SodaStream models available. They are The Revolution, The Source, The Fizz, The Crystal, The Pure, The Fountain Jet, The Dynamo and The Genesis. First, let’s address the similarities of the eight types. All eight models can make soft drinks or sparkling water in the comfort of your home. They all come with “stay fizzy” bottle closures that keep the carbonation going longer. All are compatible with the standard 14.5-ounce carbonation cylinder that is capable of carbonating up to sixty liters of soda or sparkling water.

There are four models that are capable of using either the 14.5-ounce carbonation cylinder or the larger 33-ounce cylinder, which is capable of carbonating up to 130 liters of soda or sparkling water. Those four models are The Revolution, The Dynamo, The Fountain Jet, and The Fizz.

All eight models use the CO2 tank as a power source to carbonate. The Crystal, The Pure, The Dynamo, The Fountain Jet and The Genesis do not require an additional power supply to operate. Fizz and The Source require a battery to operate the screen components. That battery is included. Revolution is the only model that requires electricity to run. Keep this in mind as it will need to be near an electrical outlet when in use.

The Crystal comes with a dishwasher-safe glass carafe. The other seven models come with BPA-free plastic bottles that are not dishwasher safe. You can buy separate dishwasher-safe bottles that are compatible with those seven models, but you can’t use the glass carafe with any model other than the Crystal.

The Dynamo, The Fountain Jet, The Pure, The Fizz, and The Genesis require the user to rotate the bottle instead. The Crystal, The Revolution, and The Source all lock the bottle in place without twisting it, making them a bit easier to use.

There is only one fully automated SodaStream available at this time. That is The Revolution. Just push a button to tell him how carbonated you’d like your drink and he does the rest for you. It also measures CO2 levels so you know how much carbonation is left in your cylinder. The Fizz is not automated, but it monitors and displays the amount of carbonation in your drink, as well as the CO2 level in your cylinder. The fountain has three LED lights that let you know how much carbonation is in your drink, but it doesn’t monitor the CO2 left in your cylinder.

I hope I’ve shed some light on what makes each SodaStream model unique. Click HERE to learn more about SodaStreams and see what the different models look like. Remember, this will probably be on your counter at all times, so you’ll want something that will look good in your kitchen.