Choosing your next pet: what to buy

If you’ve decided that it’s time to get a new family pet, choosing what to buy can be quite a complicated and tense process. There are so many different options that require different levels of care and commitment. Deciding what is right for you requires thinking about your lifestyle and how much time you can realistically spend with your new pet. If you are shopping for a pet for your children, then you probably want something low maintenance, or maybe you have your heart set on buying a dog, but do you have time to walk and play on a daily basis? This article aims to look at some of the most popular options and discuss the pros and cons of each type of animal. Hopefully, it will help you get a little closer to making your decision.


Dogs are extremely rewarding pets, with enormous characters and personalities. However, they probably require the most amount of commitment compared to other types of animals. They must walk at least once a day and often cannot be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. If you are considering getting a dog, consider how you could include it in your daily life … is there room in your schedule? If you feel like you can take care of a dog, you will be rewarded with a really loving animal and a great companion.


Cats again require a fair amount of commitment, although probably slightly less than dogs. Cats are much better suited for busy lifestyles, as they can be left alone during the day. Many people have cats in apartments, so you are also less constrained by your surroundings. However, they quite enjoy bringing dead or half-dead birds as ‘gifts’, so could you deal with that? Cats will require regular vaccinations, so you need to make sure that you can afford all the costs associated with keeping a cat.


Fish are usually a great pet for people who don’t have the time to store anything else. Plus, aquariums look stunning in any room, so you get the added benefit of interesting furniture too. The different species available to you are really varied and colorful, however they require a bit of knowledge and some need specialized care, so it is probably best to choose a hardy species first. Aquariums require regular maintenance that includes activities like water changes and filter cleaning, so be sure to do your research before setting it up to make sure you know what you’re doing.

Little Furies

Small animals like hamsters, mice, and guinea pigs make great pets for young children. They love to handle animals and the work required to care for them is much less than that of dogs or cats. All you need to do is provide your small animal with food and water every day, and clean the cage / hutch weekly. If you’re shopping for kids, it might be worth making sure they’re willing to commit to cleaning the animal residence, as many parents will be very familiar with ending up doing it themselves!