The reality of dirty work

Everyone has to do it. Everyone has to live it. It doesn’t matter if he’s rich or poor, whatever. Everybody does it sometime. Whether it’s shredding sessions or trenching of some kind, and by now you’re starting to know what I mean. But, I still won’t say it yet, because I mentioned this life factor in the title of this article.

Dirty work. When I think of something I want to avoid but have to do, it could be described as dirty work. In my article “The Life of a Professional” I alluded to this kind of thing in life. So how much time does a man or woman need to do what they need to do? As long as it takes. But, even if you like the result, the effort must be made. Because dirty work is the essence of life, like waking up in the morning after a long comfortable sleep or after good sex with the person you love.

So I ask this: what is worth starting, because once you start something worthwhile, it is not a dirty job; in fact, the results are quite pleasing. It’s a start that often feels like a dirty job. From the first plot of land digging a trench, to starting anything you (or I) put off for a long time, starting with waking up in the morning and leaving your comfort or anything starting from the beginning or “above”. You have to do the dirty work.

So, I’ll take a personal inventory of how I approach dirty work: I immerse myself in it as much as I don’t initially like it, because I love the end results of my productive actions. So, I dove into it, looking at it in a totally rational and self-interested way in terms of what the end result is that benefits me and everyone involved. Winning genuinely starts with a genuine start.

As I write the first draft of this, I’m getting started on the bulk of my day, which is the “dirty work” of genuinely caring for the elderly by delivering lunch to them and seeing if they’re okay. When I started this article I would arrive mid-morning around 9:30 in the morning, now I am delivering lunches to nursing homes and other services for the elderly which I do almost 11:25 in the morning. So, I’ve been working on this article and “dirty work” for about two hours, but I’m doing it because I love great, productive results that benefit me and everyone I serve, including my bosses. Which reminds me that the only genuine service that ultimately helps others is service that actually helps yourself by earning what you want and need by serving others.

Sure, politicians seek election, and sports stars, movie stars, and many pop music stars seek easy careers to avoid “dirty work”; but ultimately, ironically, they do the dirtiest job of all in the trenches of public opinion that no rational person would want to do. That in itself is what makes rational business more rational even than rational politics or any kind of “being a star,” no matter how satisfying or good the career. Yes, I am saying that a business where you make a living is more moral, rational, satisfying and happy than the politics where you “get voted for a living” or “be a star” where you get “given” life to act and live. up to someone’s standards other than your own. When you make a living by your own standards, you automatically have more genuinely good ethics, self-esteem, and happiness because you earned your way and cared for it more, as we who are rational can say, by most well-known politicians and “big stars.” “of any kind, especially those who are caught having an unreasonable “good time” or with their hands in other people’s “cookie jars” of benefits and gains that are not their own or even earned by them, as we can see from” payola scandals”. “, and the like, or even the salaries of politicians based on tax collection, while profits are rationally created by corporations for the most part.

So to break it all down. All honest and dishonest work is dirty work when you start it. But it’s only clean work if the end result is genuinely beneficial. That is the bottom line which is the reality of the situation. Anyone is anxious for profit, but not for loss or payout unless he benefits in some way. That is the ultimate reality of all work, “dirty” or “clean.” So what is the reality of dirty work that no one is eager to do and that benefits no one? Slavery of any kind is that job. Ultimately, slavery doesn’t work in any way, nor does conscription or fear work (like military conscriptions or force of any kind). In fact, the work that benefits is the work that pays off, and that’s all. Sure, rational self-interest is a natural right for every person, every law-abiding citizen and every genuinely sane person who works for a living or strives to live honestly and rightly no matter what. That is the key to all rational concepts of work. Rational self-interest that benefits everyone as a person and benefits everyone who deserves a benefit. Honesty is, as honesty is, and that honesty starts with a work ethic, come what may.