Healthy Food for Teens

Healthy food is very important for people belonging to all age groups, especially children and teenagers. Teenagers cannot be called adults or children. Therefore, it is very important to have a healthy diet during adolescence so that later one can take responsibility for life. Parents of these adolescents must be very careful in selecting the appropriate diet and foods because the nutritional energy requirements of these adolescents are generally different from and higher than those of other age groups.

balanced diet

A teen’s diet should be balanced and contain the right mix of minerals, vitamins E, B, C, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fat, and plenty of fluids from food and other fluids.


Protein is very important for adolescents for muscle and bone growth. Protein is the basic source of energy. There are several foods rich in protein such as milk, yogurt, soy, cheese and skim milk. In addition, dried fruits are rich in protein and calcium and are very necessary for the growth of adolescents. The most important thing is that if the person is a vegetarian, the above foods are very important as they do not have access to non-vegetarian foods rich in protein. The other food that contains protein is chana, karamani, rajma and dal.


Carbohydrates are a very important substance for the growth of adolescents. Potato and milk are the main source of it, and other source includes maze, roasted grains, rice and wheat.

high fiber food

Teenagers need lots of vitamins and high-fiber foods. The main source of fiber-rich foods are vegetables, rolls, buns, wheat, corn, apple, orange, peas, strawberries and raspberries.


Iron is very important to teens for building strong muscles and bones. Your regular diet should have a good and balanced intake of iron. In fact, teenage girls need more iron than boys, since they lose iron during the menstruation cycle. For non-vegetarian red meat, especially fish is a good source of iron. In addition to fortified cereals, legumes, green vegetables, beans, and lentils are also rich sources of iron. Along with foods that contain vitamin C, such as orange and lemon, they are very important for the growth of adolescents. Fruit juices, grapes, and dates are also good sources of iron.


Honey is one of the best foods/liquids for teenagers. It is considered to be the best remedy for diarrhea when mixed with hot water. It is very useful when taken in the morning with stomach empathy. Honey is also very important in curing diseases like cold, cough, sore throat and skin related problems.

Find more information on healthy foods at Healthy Cook Recipes.