Derick Chauvin: The Slaughtered Lamb Thrown to Ravenous Wolves by an Abandoned Judge

During my time as a deputy sheriff for San Diego County, California, in the mid-1980s, I saw quite a few restrictions enforced by San Diego police officers, California highway patrols (never met a patrol car), and deputies. sheriff to suspects resisting arrest, and no deaths from proper enforcement of the restricted resulted from their proper use. Upon learning that 19-year-old Minneapolis police officer Derick Chauvin was charged with murdering criminal suspect George Floyd for the misuse of an approved arrest and restraint, I began to thoroughly investigate the incident to uncover the most important facts and convincing. After examining the effect of liberal media reports on the racial connotations of Floyd’s death, I immediately assumed that if Floyd had been a white male in exactly the same set of circumstances, the media would have found no interest in the death. by Floyd. death of a white male by police immobilization while resisting arrest.

The first three weeks after Floyd’s death and autopsy, during which the media accused Office Chauvin of causing Floyd’s death due to fixation by using a department-approved neck and shoulder knee restraint , resulted in false accusations against Chauvin, that he had cut off Floyd’s air by applying the knee restraint, and that the restraint alone, applied for nine minutes, was the cause of Floyd’s death. That gave the media enough time to produce headlines that skewed and prejudged the minds of most Minneapolis people as to Officer Chauvin’s guilt for “murdering” George Floyd. By the sixth week of the pre-trial discovery process, Chauvin’s defense team had adduced enough credible evidence from Floyd’s forensic autopsy and toxicity test to indicate that the premise “but by” by default of criminal guilt would apply to Chauvin’s actions and Floyd’s physical condition prior to his death. Simply put, were it not for the lethal level of illegal drugs in Floyd’s body and the severe physical condition Floyd was in prior to his death, Officer Chauvin’s nine-minute knee restraint would not have caused the death of George Floyd.

As such, officer Chauvin’s criminal guilt, or guilt, was essentially denied, as Chauvin acted as he would have done with any other suspect, of any race, who had resisted arrest prior to the application of the knee restraint. . Therefore, he could not be charged with first degree murder, second degree murder, third degree murder or manslaughter, as he had applied the department approved knee restraint for nine minutes without causing the death of George Floyd. The exculpatory fact that Floyd claimed to have shortness of breath fifteen minutes prior to Chauvin’s application of the knee restraint made it clear that Chauvin’s knee restraint had not caused the shortness of breath, and that officers did not they would necessarily believe Floyd’s. resist complaints as it is a proven fact that suspected criminals will say anything to make the police go soft on them.

Then came the politically motivated Minnesota judge, Peter A. Cahill, who very inappropriately allowed Derick Chauvin’s trial to be televised, and began atrociously and inexorably piling the scales of justice against Derick Chauvin with prejudice and prejudice. . In effect, Cahill made it impossible for Chauvin to receive a fair trial through his intentional acts. A second-year law school student would have clearly recognized that what Cahill was doing to allow Chauvin to be charged with second- and third-degree murder was totally inappropriate, and that the elements of those crimes did not fit what Chauvin had actually done. . Cahill had to appease the hungry wolves that threatened severe violence on the streets of Minneapolis if Chauvin was acquitted. I’ll put it this way, if newly appointed SCOTUS Judge Amy C. Barrett had been chosen to preside over the trial, she would have done things a completely different way and accepted the defense’s request for a venue change. and he would have kidnapped the jury from the beginning of the trial. He would have sought justice for Derick Chauvin and not political and racial appeasement for the black mobs of Minneapolis. Finally, if Barrett had been in charge, there is certainly no question that he would have declared a mistrial based on what the very stupid Maxine Waters did to invoke violence on the streets of Minneapolis if Chauvin were acquitted.

The old American aphorism put forth by dedicated attorneys and judges such as Clarence Darrow and the Honorable Holy Hand, “Better a twelve guilty defendant go free than one falsely convicted innocent defendant,” does not apply to the grossly unjust conviction of Derick Chauvin. . There is no question that if a Minnesota appeals court does not reverse Chauvin’s conviction and order, an acquittal or a new trial without prejudice elsewhere than Minneapolis based on the egregious errors of the law allowed by Judge Cahill, the standard of justice in the state of Minnesota will be tarnished forever.