Who owns the public schools?

Part of the series: School is hell

Who owns the public schools?

“Without a real private competitive market for education in America, all that is available is what the central planners of state education choose to provide.”

— Richard M. Ebeling, President of the Future of Liberty Foundation

The so-called “public” school system does not belong to the public; It is owned and run by the government. Therefore, public schools serve the needs of the government, not the needs of the public. By contrast, private schools are owned and operated (and paid directly) by members of the public, and are accountable to their patrons.

We must not make the mistake of believing that “We the people” are our government. While politicians and other officials claim to represent us, they are an elite class that pay little attention to their constituents. Furthermore, the school system is a world of its own that bears virtually no responsibility to the public it purports to serve. Their superintendents actually work for the state department of education. Their only connection to the town is that the local residents are forced to pay their salaries.

Also, we should not expect public schools to offer a real education. They are intended to provide education only: basics of literacy and numeracy, with a surface layer of other knowledge. Yet even those basic skills are seriously neglected in schools today. They are displaced by political mandates, social engineering and other concerns. The result is a jumble of opinions, attitudes, and values ​​(often contrary to family and religious traditions) with no cohesion, no consistency, and no real goal other than to become docile group thinkers who will be dependent on government.

“Local control” of public education simply does not exist. Local school boards do not represent the people who elect them. In my state, CT, state law says, “School boards are not agents of their towns, but creatures of the state.” In other words, school boards are puppets of the state educational bureaucracy, which also controls the state legislature on school matters. School board members are also members of political parties and respond to their pressure. They simply pretend to control the schools when in reality they decide only trivial details. Increasingly, what we have is a national school system controlled from distant offices by unelected bureaucrats with unknown agendas. Even state control is giving way to virtual federal control, through laws as bad as No Child Left Behind and Goals 2000.

School wars continue because the system’s goals for children are virtually at odds with the goals parents have for them. The government uses its schools to produce masses of compliant and controllable employees and soldiers; therefore, it offers an experience that conditions our children for menial jobs and/or the military. That should explain why state schools offer a routine that tells kids, “Sit down, shut up, don’t ask questions, we’ll tell you what to think and what to do.” To parents he says, “We don’t care what you want.”

Meanwhile, parents are constantly disappointed by what public schools offer their children, but they can do nothing to change them. School board meetings are charades put on by employees to avoid parent and public involvement. The entire show is controlled by state and local administrators and employee unions to benefit themselves, not the public or children.

Parents should not expect public schools to provide real education, and yet many still do. The government school system has never been intended to deliver what most parents want. Public schooling is a coercive program controlled by the unions paid for by the force of taxes. Employee qualifications are questionable, their “certifications” are bogus, “tenure” is a sham, and their union is constantly seeking maximum pay for minimum work. It is designed to provide political and social indoctrination, with only a minimum of skills and knowledge, but not education. The result is mediocrity, secrecy and deception without accountability to anyone. Fewer and fewer people believe that the government is an appropriate agency to provide “public education.”