What is your child’s learning style?

I remember looking at math problems as a kid and feeling like none of it made sense. My dad, who was good at math, couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand it. Then, secretly, he would draw pictures of the problem and “lo and behold, I have it!” I later learned that I am a visual learner and need to “see” the problem in order to understand.

Some children are talkative. To process information, these students like to discuss it with others. After hearing the words, they understand and usually remember the information. We call them audio students.

Another group learns while being active and playing. If they can manipulate objects with their hands, they can understand the concept and it soaks into their long-term memory.

There are many ways practitioners categorize different learning styles, and the process can be complex. However, the most widely used system divides all learning styles into three basic categories: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.

Why do we need to know our child’s learning style?

When we realize that there are differences in the way children learn, we are not trying to force them to learn as we do. Just think how much easier homework would be if parents could help out, using whatever techniques work best for their child. If my father had known that he was a visual learner, he could have shown me how to draw pictures of the problem or make a visual graph to help me understand. It would have felt like drawing pictures was an accepted method of learning instead of being a secret about it.

Children often feel guilty if they cannot understand a problem when it is explained to them verbally. The child who needs hands-on activities feels frustrated and cannot sit still during long lectures. Their behavior is then characterized as unacceptable and a different learning style becomes a discipline issue. Kinesthetic learners have difficulty adjusting to our expectations.

Think of the difference it could make if you told the teacher about your child’s learning style early in the year. Many teachers don’t have time to analyze each child’s style. They usually teach according to their own particular learning style.

Children who have learned to recognize and understand their own learning styles are more likely to be successful. They can use techniques that work specifically for them. I know a boy who struggled all through school. She finally made it to college and was overwhelmed with college professors who required taking a lot of notes. This was not her learning style. She needed to hear the information over and over again. She realized this and used a tape recorder to play back the information while repeating much of it out loud. As an audio student, this was her successful learning method.

Children may use a combination of learning styles or be dominant in one. A child with diverse learning styles is often a more flexible learner. Read the characteristics of each learning style. See if you can recognize your own child’s style(s) from the descriptions below.

Characteristics of visual learners (65% of the population):

  • Learn through images
  • Enjoy art and drawing.
  • Read well maps, graphs and diagrams.
  • He likes mazes and puzzles.
  • Use lists or outlines to organize thoughts
  • It is capable of detecting recurring patterns in information.
  • Remember where information is located on a page
  • Seeing pictures or words in the “mind’s eye”
  • It is able to visualize stories.
  • Often a good speller (you can see the word in his mind)
  • He has a vivid imagination.
  • Gets impatient or withdraws when a lot of listening is required
  • Color is important and helps memory.
  • He likes to put things together
  • Generally likes reading/writing more than math/science.
  • doodle background
  • Enjoy tracing words and pictures.
  • Often accused of being a dreamer in class

How can I help my visual learner?

Since mathematics is abstract, it is important to draw a picture or explain with diagrams.
Encourage and teach your child how to draw pictures to understand math problems. Visual children are usually very creative and can find a good memory technique to remember vocabulary or mathematical procedures. They just need to know that it is an acceptable method.

As you read, suggest visual clues. Offer illustrated books of all kinds; when you read chapter books together, it encourages visualization of the story and scenes at intervals. Provide colored pens for taking notes or writing. Suggest writing the syllables of new spelling or vocabulary words in different colors. Help them make lists or charts of information. Suggest drawing a picture of the historical information that needs to be remembered.

Characteristics of auditory learners (30% of the population):

  • Tends to remember and repeat ideas that are presented verbally.
  • Learn well through lectures.
  • he is an excellent listener
  • He is often the leader of a group discussion.
  • You can reproduce symbols, letters or words by listening to them
  • like to talk
  • Enjoy plays, movies.
  • You can learn concepts by listening to tapes
  • Enjoy the music
  • Enjoy question and answer sessions
  • Retains information that is set to rhyme
  • Finds small group discussions stimulating and informative
  • Hear yourself say information out loud

How can I help my audio student?

These children learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking, and listening to what others have to say. Talk to your child about homework and ask him to explain it to you. This reinforces learning. Audio learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a recorder.

Read math problems together and break a word problem into smaller segments. Discuss what it means and talk about possible solutions. Why would it work or not? The audio student needs this kind of dialogue.

In each topic you need to listen to your child read the information aloud and then discuss it. This may seem like a waste of time for parents, but it is the best way for the audio learner to be successful. Plus, it builds a closer relationship. Audio learners do not do well working alone.

Audio learners absorb information like a sponge. They can listen to a stimulating educational video and remember most of the information, especially if there is a discussion afterwards. If there is information that needs to be memorized, put a rhythm or music to it. Make it fun!

Characteristics of kinesthetic learners (5% of the population):

  • Learn by doing, direct participation
  • Often fidgets or finds reasons to move
  • Does not pay much attention to visual or auditory presentations.
  • You want to be “doing” something
  • Sort things out
  • He likes to manipulate objects.
  • gestures when speaking
  • He is often a poor listener
  • Respond to music through physical movement.
  • He likes to clap to the rhymes
  • Uses hand movements when pronouncing words
  • He often finds success in physical response activities.

Tactile/kinesthetic children learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. Touching things, tasting them, and moving their bodies are all ways that kinesthetic children learn. They may find it difficult to sit still for long periods and are often distracted by their need for activity and exploration. These students have high energy levels. They think and learn better while on the move. They often miss much of what is being said during a lecture and have trouble concentrating when asked to sit down and read. These students prefer to do rather than watch or listen. They are often diagnosed with ADHD

How can I help my tactile/kinesthetic learner?

These students need many objects to work with and manipulate. Physical objects are essential, especially for mathematics. There are a lot of practical materials available in educational stores and many teachers are happy to lend some of their teaching materials to parents. For example, if you’re helping your child tell time, get an old clock and let him move the hands while he explains the idea.

Reading, spelling, and writing are often challenging for these children. Buy letters and have your child spell words using something she can touch and feel. Sometimes using the computer is beneficial as you are moving the keys. Computer math games also work well.

Clapping the syllables while the words are read helps kinesthetic learners sound out the word phonetically. If they forget punctuation at the end of a sentence, suggest hand signals such as a clenched fist for a period, an outstretched arm for an exclamation point, and a curved hand with an outstretched arm for a question mark. By using the body, the information is internalized.

Use games to reinforce learning. To add and subtract, play dominoes or card games. Write unknown words on flashcards and play “Go Fishing” or “Concentration” to help reading skills.

benefit for all children

Knowing your child’s learning style is important! When you can help your child in a way that she can respond positively to, you are setting a good tone for learning. Increases self-esteem. Your son is much happier because he feels accepted for who he is. They don’t have to learn like everyone else. They have special abilities. They’re unique!