What every man needs to know about penile cancer

Everyone knows the joke: tell Doctor Google about a variety of symptoms and the answer will always be ‘cancer’. That’s part of the reason so many men wonder if a problem with the penis might actually be an early sign of penile cancer. But it’s important to remember that good penis care isn’t just about taking care of your physical needs, but your emotional and mental ones as well. Understanding the signs of penile cancer can help put a man at ease when things are benign, but it can also give them the incentive they need to get to the doctor quickly if things don’t look good.

Knowing the signs of penile cancer

It is important to remember that penile cancer is not the same as prostate cancer, although they do occur in the same general vicinity. Prostate cancer involves cancer cells in the prostate. This requires a very different treatment than cancer that occurs in penile tissue. The focus of this article is penile cancer, so the signs of prostate cancer are not listed here.

A man could be suffering from penile cancer if he is dealing with any of the following symptoms:

1. Lumps or lumps on the penis, which are usually large and painful.

2. Redness or irritation of the penis that does not go away, no matter how good a man’s penis care regimen is

3. Sores on the penis that have no clear cause and tend to have trouble healing

4. Bleeding from those sores on the penis

5. Strange discharge, either from the urethra or from sores.

Eagle-eyed men will notice that several of these symptoms are also signs of some sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to know for sure what’s going on with your penis is to visit a doctor and get screened for STDs to rule them out. If no STD is present, a man could be dealing with something more serious, including penile cancer.

Penile Cancer Risk Factors

Although cancer can affect anyone, there are some lifestyle choices and medical issues that can make a man more likely to end up with penile cancer. These include the following:

1. Age: The older a man gets, the more likely he is to develop cancer. People over the age of 60 are most at risk.

2. Some STDs: Those who have contracted HPV are at higher risk

3. Uncircumcised: Men who are intact are at higher risk, as are men who have a foreskin that cannot retract properly.

4. Smoking: Those who use tobacco products are at increased risk of almost all health problems, including cancer.

5. Personal Hygiene: A man who does not have the best hygiene is at a higher risk of eventually developing.

6. Intimate Life Choices: A man who has multiple sexual partners is more likely to develop cancer than a man who is more discerning.

7. Certain Medical Conditions: Men who are dealing with various medical conditions, such as autoimmune problems, or those who have undergone certain treatments, may be at higher risk of developing it.

What to do if penile cancer is a concern

If a man thinks he might be dealing with penile cancer, it’s time to visit the doctor. A doctor can analyze the problem, test for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, rule out other medical conditions, and finally get to the root of the problem. Visiting the doctor regularly can also provide a great deal of peace of mind to a man who worries about what he might be going through with his equipment.

A man should also take the time to search for a good penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin.) every day. As additional protection against free radicals that can cause premature aging, the cream should contain alpha lipoic acid. A cream with a healthy dose of vitamin B5, A, D, and C may also help.