What are the main specifications of the inventory management system?

Understand what is an inventory management software in the UAE

Inventory management software is a system that allows you to keep track of products throughout your company’s supply chain. Electronically tracks your product and unit levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. At the same time, it provides tools to monitor stock levels and generate reports.

Typically, a business will have its items moving in different directions. For starters, there are stock purchases. When customers of the business buy products, the stock level is reduced. And often there are defective product replacements or returns that need to be accounted for. It’s hard to keep track of this without the help of a transparent supply chain solution.

Therefore, the best catalog management system in Dubai will seamlessly adjust stock levels whenever there is a sale, purchase or return. Most IMS solutions also offer additional capabilities to make inventory management even more efficient.

Main Specifications of an Inventory Management System in the UAE

At its core, the main specifications of an ERP solution are to provide ways to effectively and seamlessly store, organize, track, manage, and analyze inventory data.

There are plenty of features that are typically included in an IMS to meet these specifications. This includes the following:

User-friendly interface that everyone in the company can navigate

Automation to eliminate manual processes of business functions related to product management.

A reliable and secure database that provides accurate data in real time

Quick and accurate inventory level adjustments in real time

The ability for administrators to easily add software modules with minimal configuration to make the system scalable

All-in-one IMS solution for inbound and outbound stock handling

Categorization of different types of actions with unique identification codes or labels

Ability to create purchase orders, invoices and other documentation easily and correctly

Main functions of an inventory management software in Dubai

To achieve these aforementioned specifications, a supply chain management system in Dubai must include the following functions:

  • Purchase Order Generator

  • instant billing

  • barcode scanner

  • Self-adjusting stock levels

  • Payment status

  • shipping management

  • point of sale software

  • Serialized Inventory Management Solution

  • Reorder Stock Notification

  • Unit tracking in real time

  • Reporting and analysis tools
  • Choosing an IMS that meets all the major specifications is key to ensuring that your supply chain software benefits your business over a long period. This is because it will provide the necessary functionality to help your business monitor and manage stock levels in a cost and time saving way.

    Inventory Sol is the number one best inventory management system in the UAE. It meets all the requirements of the main specifications that are essential in a stock management solution. At the same time, it offers constantly innovative features like instant billing and internal stock transfers to make stock management a breeze.