Type 2 diabetes – Reduce binge eating after meals

Are you a victim of binge eating desserts or snacks after dinner? Do you feel hungry an hour after dinner, or just a strong compulsion to reach for a bag of chips, a sweet roll or a bowl of ice cream? Whether you’re cooking a simple dinner at home or dining out, there are a few simple tricks you can follow to avoid bingeing on desserts or after-meal snacks. It’s about filling up on healthy dinner options while avoiding foods and habits that will cause your blood sugar to fluctuate.

Here are some tips to remember the next time you sit down for dinner...

1. Drink plenty of water before your meal. Water fills the stomach, it’s that simple. Studies have shown that dehydration can be mistaken for hunger, and a person can usually prevent binge eating simply by drinking a full glass of water. By drinking a full glass before starting a meal, you’ll ensure you don’t mistake dehydration for a bigger appetite than you actually have.

2. Don’t start the meal with starchy snacks. Many people eat crackers or pretzels while preparing dinner at home, or order a starchy appetizer at a meal while waiting for the main course. Get away from this habit. Starting your meal with a carbohydrate, especially one that is high on the glycemic index (such as crackers, pitas, and many phyllo snacks), will cause your blood sugar to spike, followed by a drop, leading to a stronger craving for sweets and desserts later in your meal.

3. Fill up on protein and vegetables first. When it comes to staving off cravings of any kind, protein is your friend. It helps keep you feeling full longer and can help regulate a consistent appetite throughout the day. When mixed with veggies, which are packed with fiber (and countless other essential nutrients), you can quickly fill up on a healthy meal, leaving less room and desire for a post-meal bout of snacking.

4. Have a bubbly pre-dessert. No, not an actual glass of champagne, I mean a glass of sparkling water. A small drink can help you feel fuller before you move on to dessert or after-dinner snack mode, and a little bubbling in the water adds up for extra digestion and “fullness.” For a special treat, add a splash of juice or wine to a glass of unsweetened sparkling water; enjoy it as your diabetic-friendly beverage. appetizer.