The steam locomotive God Almighty in the sky

In 1948, the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Company of New York published a book entitled Freemasonry its hidden meaning. A goal of Freemasonry at that time was the rediscovery of a lost science in which knowledge of the Principle of Construction would free humanity from living under the yoke of the Principle of Destruction. Recent discoveries show that the success of such a goal becomes of paramount importance for human survival.

Throughout history, the Principle of Destruction was associated with various gods. In Egypt the god was called Set and in Greece, Diabolos, the god of Plato’s Physics of Chaos, the destroyer of worlds. NASA has published articles arguing that Plato’s worldview was based on fractal geometric logic. We might well consider that Plato’s definition of evil as the destructive property innate in formless matter within the atom might warrant further investigation. In modern science, the governing Principle of Destruction is called the second law of thermodynamics, based on the logic of universal atomic decay.

According to popular tradition, if you worship the Devil you lose your immortal soul and inhabit a Hell of utter despair. In his famous article A Universe in Thermodynamic Ruin, the 1950 Nobel laureate mathematician and logician, Bertrand Russell, considered that our current science is governed by the second law of thermodynamics. He wrote: “Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unshakable despair, can the habitation of the soul henceforth be safely built.” Max Plank’s eminent astrophysicist Peter Kafka in his essays titled The Principle of Creation and the Global Acceleration Crisis, wrote that the principle of Russell’s law has long been recognized as the Devil, “diabolos”. Kafka adds that the Devil is not evil but illogical, like scientists, technologists and politicians.

One may wonder how Bertrand Russell, as a famous mathematician and logician, can be considered illogical. Classical Greek life science was based on fractal logic that extends to infinity, whereas any life science belonging to Russell’s worldview can only deal with species moving toward thermodynamic extinction. What we have are two worldviews in complete contradiction of each other, instead of both being in a state of harmonious balance. Sir Isaac Newton’s physics of harmonic equilibrium, based on Greek fractal logic, was discovered in the 20th century and is still classified as heresy. Buckminster Fuller used the same heretical ideas in complete contradiction to Russell’s mathematical worldview, laying the strongest possible foundation for the three 1996 Nobel laureates in Chemistry, Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold Kroto, and Richard E. Smalley. , to establish his new life. science institute

The diabolical Principle of Destruction changed its Greek form to be worshiped in the form of the steam engine during the 19th century. Greek fractal mathematical logic had been banished in the fifth century by Saint Augustine. In his sexually disturbed confessions, Plato’s definition of evil as a destructive property of the formless matter within the atom was translated by Augustine as an evil associated in some way with female sexuality. The Dr. in Sciences of History, the Angel of Physics of St. Thomas Aquinas carried this illogical scientific concept forward, resulting in three centuries of horrific crimes against countless women and children as witches.

British economist Thomas Malthus, as a director of the East India Company, implemented the pragmatic aspects of Thomas Aquinas’s worldview philosophy into that company’s economic policies. its famous Population The essay is cited as the inspiration for the evolutionary theories of biological sciences by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace. Darwin was employed by the East India Company on his famous voyage on HMS Beagle and Maltus’s doctrines became synonymous with the energy laws governing steam engine technology. The East India Company used that technology to become a global economic powerhouse. Lord Russell’s second law of thermodynamics is simply Carnot’s law of energy that governs the operation of steam engines.

The law governing global technological development applies in fact to all mechanical equations and calculations. The life science chemistry of fullerenes, based on fractal logic, does not. The Great Steam Engine in the Sky is a fully mechanical contraption concept with no spiritual or holographic substance. Einstein’s colleague Sir Arthur Hamilton had no right to call the energy law, which was thought to govern the universe, the supreme metaphysical law of the entire universe, because metaphysics is a concept of fractal logic.