The link between video games and obesity

I’m sure you already know that video games are some of the most popular activities among children. In fact, not only children but adults of all ages play these games. However, what you may not be aware of is the fact that there is a definite link between video games and obesity.

What are some of the reasons behind this theory?

• It is a sedentary activity: playing video games does not require much physical activity. In the old days, children did much more physical activity. They used to spend much of the day outside playing with friends. Now the landscape has changed and they spend most of their free time playing video games. This means your child gets a lot less exercise and burns fewer calories.

• Everything is absorbing: once you start playing a video game, it’s hard to put it down and do something else. You are so engrossed in the game that time flies and before you know it you have spent several hours playing it. This makes it difficult to focus on other activities.

• Takes a long time to complete: Games are now actually designed to last longer and be more challenging, so this just means you’re sitting for long periods of time, not doing any exercise.

• Encourage Snacking: Because players get caught up in the game, it’s hard for them to break away and eat. This results in more snacking, usually junk food and soft drinks. Due to this, more calories are ingested and fewer are burned, resulting in weight gain.

What is the solution?

• Restrict times: As unpopular as you may be, you should set limits on how long your child can play video games or computer games. I used to do this with the tv when my kids were little. They had limited time to watch TV and then they had to go out and play. When you start this when a child is young, they will get into the habit of playing for shorter periods.

• Provide more active play time: Get your child interested in some outdoor activities. Young children often like gardening or sports. Older children will often continue with sports. You can get them involved with the YMC or even with activities at school.

• Do more family activities: Family activities are good. You can take your family on hikes or biking expeditions. Trips to the zoo and other places involve a bit of walking and will take your child away from video games for a while. If all else fails, you can get a gym membership and work out as a family unit.

There is certainly a link between video games and obesity. However, as a responsible parent, if you recognize this at an early age, you will avoid many problems in the future and may also prevent your child from gaining weight. His son will still enjoy his video games, but he won’t be obsessed with them.