The Computer Repair Technician’s Toolkit: Ten Things Every Computer Technician Should Have

While most computer repair and data recovery technicians understand the need to keep up with the latest technological innovations and computer service techniques, it is just as important to the success of any job that you carry the right combination of tools and supplies to each service appointment. Even an experienced PC or server technician can find himself in a situation where he will have to travel to do a job that he doesn’t necessarily know what he will encounter or what tools he will need once he gets there. The following are the ten most important items that a computer field service professional should have with them on any job:

  1. Manual tools. At least one large and one small standard and Phillips head screwdriver.
  2. ESD wrist strap. This is the most neglected element by most computer service technicians and also the most important to avoid damaging any component through electrostatic discharge.
  3. USB flash drive with virus removal tools. Often a technician will find themselves trying to fix a single computer that is unable to connect to the Internet due to a virus or malware infection.
  4. USB keyboard, mouse and network cables. While these are actually three items, I’ve grouped them together as they are commonly needed to test and rule out faulty input devices in the computer troubleshooting process.
  5. Laptop or netbook. In many cases, the technicians’ laptop will be the only way to access the Internet to download drivers, view manuals, or look up the manufacturer’s technical support or warranty service phone number. For network or server technicians, this should also include a serial cable with which to connect to and configure routers and switches.
  6. Wireless router. Home wireless routers fail regularly, so a technician should have one with them at all times to replace the customer’s router if necessary.
  7. computer power supply. Few items fail as frequently or are as easy to replace as the power supply. Having one with you will save you from having to return to the site for a simple power supply installation.
  8. Lantern. Since there are many dimly lit areas inside the computer case and inside cabinets and cradles where cable modems/routers are often installed, having a flashlight will eliminate frustration and make the job of computer service technicians easier.
  9. clamps. While not critical to the repair job itself, keeping cords and cables well wrapped and organized is something that distinguishes a computer service professional from a hobbyist.
  10. portable air compressor. While this item is the least practical to transport, it should still be brought to every computer service job. Often times it will sit in the trunk of the vehicle and not be needed, however if you open the customer’s computer case and find it full of dirt and dust, a technician will need to know how to clean it.

Few things can be more frustrating or embarrassing for a computer repair or data recovery technician than traveling to a job only to find they don’t have the right tools to complete it. By making sure you have these ten things with you at every IT service appointment, you’ll eliminate frustration, maintain a professional image, and avoid unnecessary repeat visits.