Success leaves clues – will you follow them to your greatness?

Success leaves clues. In order for each of us who are serious about success to achieve all that we are capable of, we must follow the clues. One of the best ways to do this is to read about the lives of super-achievers. On the pages of their biographies and autobiographies, you will see similarities in the behavior that is carried out. Success leaves a roadmap. Will you take it and follow it?

Read about people like George Washington Carver, Benjamin Franklin, Madam CJ Walker (the first female millionaire), Abraham Lincoln, and Wilma Rudolph. These are legendary figures who faced gigantic challenges, overcame enormous obstacles, and changed other people’s lives for the better.

What challenges do you face? Will you do whatever it takes to overcome your challenges and realize your greatness?

There was a time when it was hard to imagine a man landing on the moon. It was believed impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes. There was a time when it was hard to imagine communicating over the world wide web. All of these things and many more are now realities because something changed the way you thought. They believe that these things were possible. Their belief structure allowed them to seek out and master the information that made the impossible a reality.

you must also THINK BIG to achieve your dreams. I say, “If you’re going to think, you might as well THINK BIG!” Do not specialize in the least. We were put on this earth to make the most of all the talents given to us. When you think big, you can ACT BIG. When your actions are great, you will achieve great things. Small people are those who think small. Don’t hide your talents under a basket.

Also, make sure you surround yourself with people who are also trying to achieve great things or better yet, those who have already realized the success you are trying to achieve. Like-minded people will support you and your dream. They can also give you advice on how they achieved the success you’re looking for.

Choose success and enjoy life!