Pure Clear Delta Cordial Review

Delta Cordial Review

Pure Clear Delta 8 CBD is one of the best CBD oils available today. I recently reviewed this product and gave it four stars out of five. It had excellent taste, a rich aroma, and an impressive, almost sedate (some would say meditative) effect. I’ve heard that this CBD oil is excellent for weight loss, but I can’t say that for sure. But from reading many positive customer reviews, I’m confident in saying that it’s a great addition to any diet.

The product itself is created from a combination of several different CBD blends. Each blend has its own unique “kick”, which gives each of the products distinctively distinctive tastes and aromas. There are also several herbal and naturally occurring extracts included with this product as well.

pure clear delta 8

There are some interesting side notes about Pure Clear. For example, they claim to be made with pharmaceutical grade CBD and terpinen-4-ol, both of which are considered effective natural alternatives to marijuana. But there’s also no mention of other potentially helpful ingredients, such as the terpenoids (caryophyllene and linalol) found in red clover. However, I suppose that could be said about red wines, because most red wines have some degree of terpinen-4-ol within the grape skin. Pure Clear does give the impression of being rather expensive, which is true in a lot of ways given the quality of the product, but also because they are trying to establish a niche within the market, which many companies find somewhat difficult when there are dozens of options available.

Pure Clear Delta Cordial Review

The packaging, once you get your hands on it, is attractive and well designed. They’ve also included a matching shot glass. It also comes with a complementary protein drink that provides a nice boost of energy. It is packaged in a very attractive way, and the product comes in cute little gift boxes.

The prices of this product are a little more than you’d expect for such a simple drink, but given the ingredients, it is a very inexpensive choice. It costs just over ten dollars, which is also very reasonable when you consider it’s effectiveness. For those who are worried about caffeine, they also advise people with caffeine sensitive diets to avoid this one. Although the protein content is high, it has less than one hundred calories per serving, so it’s not really a fat burner.

The company does not recommend that you use it for smoking or drinking, as doing so may result in severe side effects. This drink is also not intended for diabetics, as it does not contain sugar. For people who are lactose intolerant, it is also advised to avoid Pure Clear Delta.