Potty Training Through the Ages

How things have changed when we look at potty training through the ages…

Going back in time, potty training and all its drama didn’t exist. Even today, in primitive regions, women carry their children with them all the time and simply offer them when necessary. Like the birth, it was a natural occurrence, nothing out of the ordinary, and they went back to work in the fields shortly after giving birth.

However, with civilization came problems, too much thinking from the professionals, Dr. Gower, Margaret Mead, Dr. Spock, to name a few. The current trend seems to be to put it off for later before attempting potty training possibly influenced by work. moms being pressed for time.

There are now potty training schools and professionals who will potty train your child for you. There are 3 day methods, 5 day methods and books galore. Apparently “Pampas” and possibly other nappy suppliers have put out a range for 5 year olds. However, this brings to mind the huge problem of disposables diapers in landfill. They are not biodegradable in the short term and remain underground for years creating gases; while years ago when cotton diapers they were the norm, washed and reused.

When I raised my babies, it is true that I did not go out to work, since I had 5 little ones, but I did not expect any problems and they were all clean and dry in a short time, certainly before the age of two, and the night at half past two . Yesterday I spoke with my sister to question her experiences with her 3 children. They were all born close together, so she obviously had her hands full, but she said they were dry during the day at eighteen months and dry at night soon after. Yes, I suppose we had some setbacks, for example, when children are not well or have an upheaval in their lives, they can regress briefly.

When toddlers are too bloated in a game or on TV they may forget to go to the bathroom, or not want to get out of their game; so a reminder is necessary. I was surprised by the number of books, YouTube videos, and Google articles available on potty training and read a couple. One was about potty training in 3 days. It sounded so stressful, keeping an eye on the kid for three days and pestering him every few minutes with “Tell me when you want to go potty.” I’m all for occasional reminders, but it was stressful to read, no matter how the kid would feel! The other book offered a much more relaxed approach.

Today, with books galore and social media at every turn, new moms seems to feel more stressed about doing things right, and is expected to be a “Superm”a working mother and wife!

Delayed potty training because moms are too busts it was confirmed today on ITV news, research has shown that delays in potty training can lead to bladder or bowel infections and they recommend training for 2 years if possible. With that in mind, I want to share with you my principles for stress-free potty training and some strategies to make your life easier.