Pet profiles and how to choose a pet online

If you’re looking to purchase a new pet or trying to find information about your animal’s breed, it’s important to go beyond basic pet profiles. To really look for characteristics of different breeds or information that goes beyond what the Kennel Club guidelines tell you, you need to find animal profiles that are anecdotal, include pictures of breeds, and are connected to active and valuable pet forums.

Read on for great resource ideas on finding other pet owners, connecting with pet experts and breeders on forums, accessing pet profiles, and choosing a pet online.

1. Pet forums and online breed communities

Pet forums are a great way to make connections with other pet owners or breeders both in your area and abroad. Message boards allow you to ask questions, search old questions, and really bond with your fellow pet lovers.

If you’re looking for specific breed profile information, various pet forums and pet classifieds sites also host web communities that are specifically designed to talk about Terrier or parrot lovers.

If you’re still trying to decide which pet to buy, try asking for suggestions on pet forums. For example, most pet enthusiasts would tell you that if you live alone in a downtown apartment and like a quiet house, a Pekingese might fit the bill.

2. Great breed and pet profiles

A good pet profile delves deeper into how long a Labrador Retriever’s hind legs should be or whether or not an Abyssinian cat’s ears should be cropped. A useful breed profile should also tell you how this animal behaves as a pet and companion.

The reader should have a clear concept of what a Boston Terrier is like with small children or whether or not a Beagle needs a good fence (does). Look up pet profiles online to help you choose your pet, but look for ones that give you an idea of ​​what life with your new pet will really be like.

If you like quizzes, the Animal Planet website at has some online quizzes to help you choose the right breed of dog or cat. Other sites, like or, host extensive breed profiles along with their online pet classifieds and forums.

3. Get photos

Try some Google image searches or other image search engines to find photos and images of your potential puppy, cat, horse, bird, or exotic pet. Appearance can be important, so get an idea of ​​the breed to choose from before making a decision. Also, a good online breed profile should include a picture of the breed, so if you’re reading and doing your research, you shouldn’t have to look too far.

Finding and choosing a pet doesn’t have to be a headache, especially online. Just remember to use your resources; including comprehensive pet profiles, pet expert forums, and online breed communities. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and before settling on a pet, always do your research thoroughly and make your choice wisely.