Online Poker Systems – Do They Work?

People often ask me how I make money playing poker and if there is a “poker system” that I use to make a profit every day at the tables. The answer I usually give doesn’t satisfy them because it often leads to the conclusion that it takes work to win at online poker. To me, it’s worth the effort, but many people are just looking for effortless systems to make money.

While it would be nice to find a system that is effortless, I’m afraid I have to tell you that there is no such thing as a guaranteed poker system. Some people may consider the set of strategies I use to be a system, but it is hardly effort-free or hands-off.

If you come across a poker system that promises to win you money at online poker without even trying, they are either overpromising or lying to you. No matter what you do in life, getting people to part with their money takes effort. You have to trade your time at work for money, sell something valuable, or work hard to be better than your opponents at the poker tables.

The poker system I use to make money can be bought, but it will still require some effort. Learning the proper poker strategies to use, building your bankroll, and gaining experience at the tables takes effort.

But I have good news for you. After all, this article is not all doom and gloom! The effort it takes to learn to play poker is a different kind of effort than it takes to dig ditches or sit in a cubicle all day. It is an effort built from freedom and self-motivation. All poker pros and self-employed business owners will tell you that yes, what they do takes effort, but it’s more of a hobby than drudgery.

Professional athletes work just as hard as anyone else in the world, but do you think they hate that job? No way! It’s freedom! Putting in that hard work is rewarding when you are the direct beneficiary of that hard work. That is what makes playing poker for money so rewarding. Yes, it can be hard work and yes, there will be ups and downs along the way, but it’s all done in the name of making your way in the world.


Yes, poker systems can work, but they don’t work without your effort. You can’t buy a poker system and expect it to do all the work for you. Instead, you can buy books and strategy guides that will give you the tools you need, but those tools still take a bit of effort.