Naming Day Ceremony Speech – What Can You Say If You Don’t Want To Look Overly Religious?

A naming day ceremony always seems to confuse people, especially anyone who has been asked to be a sponsor of the child, or to say a few words or give a short speech to mark the event.

The problem some people have is that they feel like they are stepping on eggs and they don’t want to say the wrong thing or annoy parents or family by saying something religious.

In fact, if you search online for suggestions on what to say in a naming ceremony speech, you will come across the “religious” dimension again and again. It comes in the form of ‘BUT’.

For example:

Here is a beautiful poem that you could quote, OBJECTIVE you’ll have to skip the religious parts … or ‘Here’s a beautiful traditional Irish blessing, OBJECTIVE I’m not sure if a blessing of some kind will be welcomed at a naming ceremony.

But what is acceptable?

The answer to this question is simple: Anything you say that is joyful, uplifting, happy, and thoughtful is very welcome. After all, this is a wonderfully joyful, uplifting, and happy event.

If you have a naming ceremony speech to give, my advice is: think about the three most important things about the naming ceremony itself and say something lighthearted and uplifting about each one. For example:

1. On the day itself, tell everyone how happy and honored you are going to be selected to say a few words on this very special day.

2. The name of the new child – talk about why the parents selected this name. Tell everyone about the meaning of the name and the connection it has with the family. And tell everyone how this name will now mean something very special to you for the rest of your life.

3. The beautiful child – tell everyone what a beloved child he is, both with the beauty of the mother in his appearance and with the charm of the father in his happy smile.

And then why not use one of the most beautiful love poems of all time to praise and extol the beauty and virtues of this beautiful girl. It is William Shakespeare – Sonnet No. 18

Will I compare you (insert child’s name) to a summer day?

You are more beautiful and warmer:

Strong winds shake the dear May buds,

And Summer’s lease is too short a date:

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And her golden complexion is often toned down;

And every fair of the fair at some point declines,

By chance or the changing course of nature without clipping:

But your eternal summer won’t fade (insert child’s name)

Nor will you lose the possession of the beautiful one that you owe …

This is such a beautiful sonnet to say out loud about the boy at the naming day ceremony, that I am sure it will be a great success. This, of course, is just one example of what you could say. But, as a professional speechwriter, my experience is always that ‘poetry’, especially the poetry of well-known poets, is almost a religious dimension unto itself when spoken in a sincere and meaningful way.

Alternatively, if you are a good singer, you can announce that you would like to sing a special song for this special child. Stand next to the child when he is singing the song and place your hand on the child’s crib when finished.

So let me give it to you again.

1. Begin by introducing yourself and telling everyone how happy and honored you are to be here on this wonderful day at this happy event.

2. Talk about the child’s name. Do your research ahead of time and tell everyone what the name means and why the parents have chosen this name for their child. Tell everyone that you think it’s a lovely name.

3. Tell everyone that the lovely boy and the happy event combine to remind you of uplifting poetry. And then continue reading the uplifting piece of poetry with heartfelt sentiment. Alternatively, if you are a good singer, you may prefer to sing a song.

But, whatever you do, don’t use rhyming doggerel. Use really good poetry and you won’t go wrong.