LaDainian Tomlinson of San Diego Chargers delayed by Turf Toe

San Diego Chargers star running back LaDainian Tomlinson has been hampered all season by an early toe injury. This injury can be devastating and has ended many NFL careers. What really is turf toe? How can we avoid this pain in the toe?

What is turf toe?

Turf toe is a condition of pain at the base of the big toe. This is usually due to a traumatic toe jam or repeated pushing while running or jumping. The most common complaints are pain, stiffness, and swelling. The pain can be so intense that pushing in soccer is practically impossible.

This injury is especially common among athletes who play on artificial turf, hence the name. The hard surface combined with running, jumping and cutting in soccer and football, make turf toe a frequent injury. Some also blame the choice of sports shoes. More flexible shoes, especially those worn in competition, provide less support to the forefoot joints, possibly contributing to turf toe.

How does turf toe occur?

When a player sustains this type of toe injury, they are actually tearing the capsule that surrounds the joint at the base of the big toe. Tearing this joint capsule can be extremely painful. Additionally, tearing of the joint capsule can lead to significant instability and even dislocation of the joint at the base of the toe. This can lead to accelerated cartilage wear and arthritis of the big toe known as hallux limititis or rigidus. This burnout arthritis can prematurely end a promising career.

How is turf toe diagnosed?

The diagnosis is mainly based on the physical examination of the patient. X-rays may be taken to make sure there is no fracture or evidence of arthritis. Occasionally, an MRI is needed to evaluate the surrounding tendons or to rule out an occult stress fracture.

What is the treatment for turf toe?

Treatment of toe injuries usually consists of trying to control inflammation of the joint capsule.

The treatment protocol may include:


2. Ice

3. Elevation

4. Bandaging or padding to relieve weight on the toe joint

5. Anti-inflammatory

6. And in chronic cases, steroid injections into the joint can be helpful.

7. Long-term use of a functional foot orthosis to balance the forefoot in cleats is very helpful.

Athletes diagnosed with turf finger should avoid stress on the joint for three to four weeks to allow the joint capsule to heal. Once you return to your activities, functional orthotics can be used to limit movement of the big toe and prevent further damage to the joint capsule.

Will turf toe come back?

Unfortunately, turf toe can come back, often more severe than the initial injury, and rehabilitation can be very slow. LaDainian Tomlinson has been held back by injury to him all season and he most likely won’t be 100% until he can rest at the end of the season. Most athletes have problems when they try to return to sports too soon after suffering a toe injury. Surgery is rarely needed for the treatment of turf toe, unless it has been a chronic injury and there are spurs on the joint that limit movement. If a bone spur has formed and severely limits movement of the toe joint, surgery to remove the spur may be helpful.

Prevention and early treatment really are the key! If you experience joint pain after running in practice, your shoes should be evaluated for a functional orthotic to balance your biomechanics and hopefully avoid significant turf toe.