How to organize a laptop station

NOotebooking is the practice of journaling while learning using pictures, words, or both. This is an easy and engaging way to teach any subject and works great in a homeschool setting. Beautiful templates, coloring tools, and a learning environment give students everything they need to write successfully in a notebook.

There are two reasons why children thrive in a notebook learning environment.

  1. They own their work. They are designing and scripting their own learning.

  2. Quality templates add value to your work. Easy-to-manage spaces make journaling less intimidating.

Organization of a laptop station

Find a wide variety of notebook templates. You can create your own or download templates from thousands of available online notebook templates.

Organize your templates in files or notebooks.

If you are using the ttraditional hanging file system, create folders for your templates so they are easy to locate. Some example categories would be: blank templates, countries, ancient history, floral, insects, character studies, and holidays. There are many, many more categories. Just add new templates in new folders as they are purchased.

If what you want is to organize your tinserts in notebooks, you may want to fill a three-ring binder with plastic page holders. Print the patterns for each template for your child and use file dividers to organize them by theme.

Organize your art supplies.

Create an area, bin, or stand for your child to have easy access to scissors, glue, crayons, colored pencils, and markers. Stock them several times a year to keep supplies fresh!

Create a Journal for the completed pages of each child’s notebook.

Your children will be very proud of their notebook pages when they are complete. Validate their hard work by providing them with a place to safely store them. A three-ring binder with plastic page protectors works great. At the end of the school year, or when they have compiled a large collection of pages on a particular topic, you can even have the pages bound at your local office.

Journal journals make a beautiful keepsake and even make a great gift for grandparents!

Taking the time to organize your child’s notebook templates, journal, and supplies is essential. If you treat these supplies with respect, they will too. There’s something inherently free about journaling about what you’re learning. It is one of the best ways to document what you are learning. Your children will come to love their journals. Even reluctant writers can grow by using the pages first as copy, then as collectors of words and phrases, and finally documenting their learning.

Writing in a notebook is a fruitful resource and skill to add to any educational setting and works wonderfully with learning at home.