How to lose weight without exercise and get rid of belly fat

This is the way to lose weight without exercise: you just have to eat sensibly.

Good healthy food is simple and doesn’t have to be complicated. You just have to prepare your own meals and eat out less.

If you’ve been on a diet high in processed foods, it’s time to make the switch and eat more fresh foods. Undoubtedly, fresh and unprocessed foods are more nutritious and healthy for the body. You just have to compare the diet of our previous generations, there was less processed food, less take out and people were eating more!

So take control of what you’re eating and think ‘Fresh’.

Once you train yourself to eat this way, it becomes a habit, and everything else will fall into place with your meals. Your body will no longer need sweets or junk food or fast food. This style of eating simply removes all GI or calorie counting, and makes sensible eating simple.

And when you combine a healthy diet with a high-intensity exercise program that’s short and effective, you’ll lose more body fat and have a leaner, sexier you.

This is discussed in depth in The Truth About Six Pack Abs, where it is highlighted that nutrition is the main component of fat loss, at least 80%.

Just follow these tips when preparing your own meals:

How to lose weight without exercise

  • Eat fresh, healthy food, preferably organic, as close to its natural state as possible.
  • Eat fresh, nutrient-dense foods and avoid processed types
  • Eat 2 servings of fruits and at least 5 servings of vegetables a day. These are excellent sources of carbohydrates.
  • Moderate amounts of high-quality protein at each meal
  • Include plenty of fiber in your diet to help control your appetite and maintain your blood sugar levels.
  • You need fat. The fat will not only satisfy your appetite more, it will help your hormone balance. Great sources of fat are nuts, seeds, organic eggs, wild fish or fish oil, olive oils, avocados, and many more.
  • When you cook, simply steam or grill your choice of food