How to cure yeast infections naturally and keep them away

Have you ever wondered why doctors continue to prescribe medication to yeast sufferers and hardly ever promote natural remedies? Many women are desperate to know how to cure yeast infections naturally, but find themselves going in circles because medications only offer temporary relief.

It’s a bit like brushing your teeth but still eating a lot of sweets. You think brushing your teeth will prevent cavities (and they would if you didn’t eat the exact foods that cause them). Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, you will still get cavities. So you know what is causing the problem and you know what to do to stop it. Brush your teeth more often and cut out sugary foods. Simple truth?

Yeast infections are the same. Something is causing them, so why not find out what it is and then treat that instead of just the symptoms?

To find out how to cure yeast infections naturally and keep them away, you’ll need to find out what’s causing it.

Every person is different and a number of factors can contribute to the cause.

Processed, high sugar and chemical foods play a big role in feeding the bad bacteria, called Candida. Stress contributes to a weakened immune system and adds to the equation. Hot and humid weather combined with wearing tight underwear further increases the worsening of yeast infection.

Some natural remedies include:

– eat natural yogurt that has live cultures.

– insert yogurt above and around the vaginal area

– take garlic capsules daily

– taking acidophilus tablets daily

– wash the vagina with diluted apple cider vinegar and water.

– insert a whole clove of garlic into the vagina. (you can expel it simply by making an effort as if you wanted to defecate)

– wear loose-fitting underwear and sleep “naked” at night

– change your diet to avoid all processed foods, high in sugar and carbohydrates. Also try to avoid any foods that contain chemicals like maltodextrin, sulfates, and preservatives.

These causes and treatments mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg and you really need to find out what will be the right natural treatment for your specific case.

Natural home remedies for yeast infections never work 100% for women unless they treat the cause and symptoms.

Many women do not know these things and that is why they continue to suffer.