Hate your bony shoulders? Try these exercises to get rid of them

do you hate your bony shoulders? Are you afraid of taking off your shirt on the beach or in the pool? Sick and tired of the way shirts seem to “hang” off your shoulders?

Bony shoulders can be extremely frustrating. I remember no matter how many shirts and t-shirts I tried on, I couldn’t seem to find one that didn’t show those pointy bits where my arm meets my shoulder.

Getting rid of bony shoulders is simply a case of building muscle to cover them. If you look at most people who are considered to have great bodies, you may notice that their “bony shoulders” are still somewhat visible… it’s just that the muscle does a great job of covering them.

The shoulders are actually made up of a group of 3 muscles known collectively as the deltoids (or “deltoids” in gym jargon). To see great muscle development and cover up your bony shoulders, you should look to incorporate exercises that cover and emphasize all 3 muscles.

Here are some great weight training exercises you can do to cover up your bony shoulders.

Front Deltoids: Seated Barbell Shoulder Press (aka Military Press)

Sitting with your back upright on the bench and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, lift the bar off the rack and over your head, then lower it in front of you to the point where it is just above your head. above the bar. line of your shoulders

Then explode the bar over your head again. Ideally, someone should position you so that you can put maximum effort into the exercise.

Repeat and perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Middle Deltoids – Dumbbell Side Fly

Stand up with your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in each hand; Elbows slightly bent and palms facing in.

Raise both dumbbells at the same time, imagining that you are trying to touch the ceiling with your elbows. At the top of the exercise, your elbows should be parallel to the floor… hold this position for a second, then lower back to starting position.

Take care to keep your back firm and focus your effort on your shoulders. Don’t cheat by rounding your back or using momentum to lift the weights. Also, by “squeezing” (tightening the muscles) at the top of the exercise, you will get more benefits from this exercise and begin to cover those bony shoulders with solid muscle mass.

Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Rear Deltoids – Bent Over Cable Deltoid Raise

Stand next to a cable pulley machine in the gym with your feet a little less than shoulder-width apart, and cross your body to grab one of the lower cable handles. Bend at the waist so that your back is almost parallel to the ground, and place your other hand on your hip for support.

Now, keeping a slight bend in the elbow, pull on the cable so that the back of your hand moves toward the ceiling. Your arm should remain locked and arch through this movement. Similarly, the rest of your body should remain still, with full focus on your back shoulder muscles.

Lower the pulley back to the starting position and repeat. Make sure you don’t round your back at any time during the exercise, as you could injure yourself.

Perform 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.