Give me enough time and I’ll win

I was playing my favorite strategic card game, Magic: The Gathering, the other day with some friends of mine. We were only a few minutes into the game when my friend was ready to take me out of the game. I begged (okay, I begged) to let me stay a few more shifts.

Without hesitation and with a straight face, my friend looked at me and said, “No. If I give you more time, you can win.”

He was correct. If he had given me more time, he could have won. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. I want to talk about having enough time to win.

In the world of marketing, persistence and consistency win!

The more times you reach out and connect with your prospects, the more likely they are to become your customers. You see, the problem is that most entrepreneurs give up too easily on prospects. They don’t make a sale, they get frustrated, they move on.

This is bad business. Instead, understand that if you have enough time, you will win. So here’s how to give yourself enough time to earn (and earn more money)!

1. Build a relationship

When you meet a prospect, your only job is to build a relationship with them. In person, you want to smile, be yourself, and take care of your needs. In print and online, you want to communicate with them and help them, solve their problems, and GIVE them educational material.

They need to know that you care. If you’re just looking for a sale, they’ll feel it. Once again, your only responsibility is to build a relationship… genuinely, of course!

2. Establish credibility

There are many ways to establish credibility in the eyes of your prospect. Here are a few: give them educational material to review, let them read what others have said about you (testimonials), and let them try your product or service.

Establishing credibility is not difficult, but it is necessary! Do the above, plus find your own ways to establish credibility.

3. Make more sales

In today’s transparent world, you won’t make a sale without building a relationship and establishing credibility. These two factors MUST be present.

The longer you stay in communication with your prospect, the more credibility you will establish and the better your relationship will be. If your prospect needs your solution, they will buy from you. After all, you’ve built a relationship with them, why wouldn’t they buy from you?

Plus, if your prospect doesn’t need your solution, but knows someone who does, there’s a good chance they’ll recommend it. Once again, you have built a relationship with them. They know, like, and trust you, they want their friends to know, like, and trust you, and they know you’ll take care of their friends!

So, as you can see, this system gives you plenty of time to build a relationship, establish credibility, and make more sales. If you have enough time, you will always win!