Frequently asked questions about flirting with girls

We all know that flirting with women is important, but many people don’t know exactly why or how to flirt effectively. So let’s start at the beginning.

Q: Why is it important to flirt with girls?

A: Because you have to! If you don’t flirt with girls, you end up not creating sexual tension with the girl and you’re stuck in that dreaded “friend zone” or she ends up talking to (and going home with) another guy. If you don’t flirt with girls, they won’t know you’re interested and will stop wasting their time with you.

Q: Is flirting the same as flattering?

A: Hell no! Complimenting or giving the girl one-liners will do nothing to spark her sexual interest in you. In fact, it can seem a bit creepy if you start complimenting her without flirting with the girl first. A compliment is a single act meant to discuss a particular aspect of her, while flirting is an all-encompassing technique that will make you focus on everything about her.

Q: How do I flirt then?

A: There are many ways to do it, but there are a few key things to keep in mind when flirting. First, you want to maintain good body language with her. Make good eye contact. (Not too much, though, or you’ll look creepy.) Play it from time to time. Smile. Relaxed and comfortable look. These are all the keys. Second, you want to tease her a bit (about the things she says, especially if they’re really naive or sound a little silly), but in a fun way. In general, make sure that the banter between the two of you is loose and relaxed, but fun.

Q: How do I know she wants me to flirt with her?

A: This is one of the most difficult questions. Really, it all comes down to each situation. If you are “vibrating” with her, you will know yes. If she hasn’t been back with her friends or has made an excuse (to have another drink or go to the bathroom), it means that she is interested in you. You must use this to your advantage. Basically, if she’s still there, then she hasn’t written you off yet. Use that to your advantage and flirt with her!

Q: Where can I get more information about this?

A: By downloading my free 27-page manuscript called “Small Talk Tactics: Make Small Talk Sexy.” With it, you will learn how to make conversations with women fun, fun, and by doing so, you will create attraction with them.