Free tips on how to get pregnant

The best possible way for a woman to get pregnant is if she has been in a position where her whole body is at the peak where she is most susceptible to conception. There are a number of factors that can put a woman in the most ideal condition to get pregnant, which can also be the best possible advice on how to get pregnant.

Ovulation plays the key factor in getting pregnant. A woman who has a regular menstrual cycle would normally have her ovulation on day 14 of the cycle. On this day, a woman becomes more susceptible to pregnancy as her fertile eggs open to receive fertilized sperm in order to make a successful union. The best way to ensure the best chance of conception is to be able to have intercourse a few days after your ovulation date; It is known that sperm can remain alive for up to five full days inside the uterus.

Unlike the fertilized female egg, which only has a lifespan of about 24 hours or less. That’s why having live sperm waiting until the date the fertilized egg is ready until it finally dies. In this way, one will be increasing their chances of pregnancy. Keeping the sperm inside the female system is also a complicated but vital factor in increasing the chance of pregnancy. This is why most women are advised to have sex in a position where they can prevent the natural course of gravity from taking its toll by keeping the sperm inside.