Fight Yeast Infections Naturally – Simple Tips And Natural Remedies To Fight Yeast Infections

Do you want to know how to combat yeast infection naturally? Well, here you will learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment options to combat yeast infections, including practical tips and some popular natural home remedies…

Yeast infections are a common condition in many women, but they are treatable. They are caused by the fungus Candida albicans that is found in the majority of the population. It doesn’t normally cause problems like yeast infections because our friendly bacteria keep it in check.

But there are times when the good bacteria fail in this regard, and if other conditions exist, the fungus can “overgrow” and become an infection. The types of underlying conditions that can help compromise the good bacteria and help ‘feed’ the fungus are things like; a weakened immune system, diabetes, antibiotics, steroids, unhealthy diet, stress, changes in the body’s pH, hormonal changes, etc.

An infection can appear in most parts of your body, but the most common is the vagina. Typical symptoms are red/swollen vulva, swelling, pain, severe itching, thick whitish discharge, painful sex, painful urination.

Daily treatment is through topical creams, gels, and pessaries, etc., which you get by prescription or over the counter. These are applied directly to the affected area and may work for most women, but not for a sizeable minority. These women suffer from recurring yeast infections despite using these conventional drug-based treatments.

The two main reasons for this are that the fungus can become resistant to medications and creams etc., they only attack the local symptoms and not the root cause(s). The result is recurring fungal infections. This is one of the main reasons (there are others, such as side effects) why women are increasingly turning to home remedies to fight yeast infections naturally.

Here are some practical tips on how to fight a yeast infection naturally…

1 – Drastically reduce your sugar intake. Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that feeds on sugars to grow. This applies to food, drinks, sweets and chocolates.

2 – Cut out perfumed feminine products such as showers, sanitary napkins, sprays, etc. These can irritate sensitive skin and alter the pH of the vagina. Use only lukewarm water.

3 – After defecating, never wipe from back to front, always wipe from front to back to avoid contaminating your vagina.

4 – Never wear tight and unbreathable underwear. Always wear looser cotton that allows air to circulate and wicks moisture away from your vagina. The Candida fungus loves warm, humid conditions.

5 – Do not scratch the vaginal itch. This will eventually break the skin and provide more ideal conditions for the fungus to take hold.

And here are some popular home remedies to fight a yeast infection naturally…

1 – Bathe the area with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar and 2 quarts of warm water. You can also bathe in a warm bath containing 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar.

2 – Cover the area with natural unsweetened yoghurt containing ‘live and active cultures’. You can also soak a tampon and insert it overnight.

3 – Crush the peeled raw garlic to form a paste and apply to the external area. For the inside of the vagina, make a tampon out of a bare tooth wrapped in muslin, tied with waxed dental floss.

Now, while these are all practical and helpful tips to combat yeast infections naturally, you’ll still need to address the underlying causes that help ‘trigger’ and perpetuate your yeast infection. You will do this through diet and even lifestyle changes.