Dying your hair in punky colors during pregnancy: is it safe?

The idea of ​​not dyeing your hair during pregnancy has been around for a long time; however, this is normally associated with natural hair tones, not bright rainbow hair. So let me try to shed some light on this topic.

The reason people say you can’t dye your hair during pregnancy in the first place stems from two things. The first is the theory that the chemicals in the dye may affect the developing fetus. The second is that the hormones in your body during pregnancy can make your hair resistant to dyeing, and you may have trouble achieving the desired result. So let’s take a look at these two problems…

The theory that the chemicals in the dye may affect the developing fetus…

I believe this theory arose in the 1980s when hair dyes were much harsher and contained chemicals (like 4-MMPD) that were found to penetrate the skin and cause cancer in laboratory animals. But nowadays manufacturers have stopped using such chemicals, and some brands even produce ammonia-free hair dyes, like the L’Oreals INOA range.

When it comes to hair dyes and bleaching products, there hasn’t been a lot of research in this area. The limited research available is based on animal studies and suggests that it is safe to dye your hair during pregnancy. As a hairstylist, I know that many of my clients choose to color their hair during pregnancy, and I have yet to meet anyone who has had a problem.

Dr. Miriam Stoppard (nurturing expert) said: “The very powerful pigments in the darker shades of hair dye penetrate the scalp within minutes and can be detected in white blood cells within a few hours,” she continues. “…this means the body is dealing with the pigment efficiently. The white blood cells are cleaning it up and getting rid of it so it can’t do any harm.” Still, most doctors suggest waiting to dye your hair until the second trimester, when your developing baby is least vulnerable.

However, doctors recommend that you stay away from chemical fumes during pregnancy, and for this reason, perms are not recommended.

So what about punky rainbow temporary hair dyes?

Bright and funky alternate colors (like Manic Panic, Special Effects, Raw, ‘N Rage…etc.) are free of peroxide, ammonia, and fumes. This type of dye is synthetic, so it simply stains the hair cuticles in the same way that clothing dye stains material. This means that it does not use harsh chemicals to penetrate the hair like standard hair dyes do. In fact, some rainbow hair colors have some of the same ingredients found in conditioner. Although there is no research in this area, I think it is probably safer to use this type of punky temporary color instead of standard permanent hair dyes, as it is much kinder to hair and skin. But if you’re still not sure, I suggest you talk to your doctor.

Now, while you can wear these types of alternative colors directly over your current hair color, you’ll find that they only give your hair a slight tint. This is because these dyes are designed to work on pre-bleached hair.

So if you are looking for true and vibrant colors, you should pre-bleach your hair. Many pregnant women will use bleach on their scalp with no problem, but if you’re still concerned, there are plenty of ways to bleach your hair without skin contact. (Any chemicals absorbed into your system would pass through your skin/scalp, not through your hair.) So instead of doing a full head bleach, I suggest you try one of the following techniques as an ‘off-scalp’ alternative:

  • Foiling (also known as ‘streaking’ or ‘highlighting’): when small strands of hair are foiled with bleach.
  • Balayage (also known as ‘freestyle paint’) – where bleach is painted onto random strands of hair.
  • Shoe shine (also known as ‘glaze’) – when brushing bleach onto the ends of short hair.
  • Dip Dying – where only the ends of long hair are bleached to make them appear ‘dipped’ in colour.

I recommend going to a salon for this, but if you want to bleach your hair at home I suggest asking a friend to help you mix and apply the bleach. The ammonia in the bleach can give off some vapor if you inhale it directly while mixing the bleach powder with the peroxide. So work in a well-ventilated space to help minimize the inhalation of vapors.

The theory that hormones in your body during pregnancy can make your hair resistant to hair dye…

Some women have reported that hair dyes do not adhere to their hair during pregnancy and that their hair colors turn out differently than expected. This is possible due to hormonal changes in your body, however this is a minority of cases. Most women have no problem achieving their desired hair color. However, hormones have other effects on hair during pregnancy and even after delivery. Many women will experience their hair becoming fuller, stronger, and shinier during pregnancy, as more protein is retained by the body. But after giving birth and particularly while breastfeeding, some women find that their hair becomes brittle and weak, some even experience hair loss. Hormones can do crazy things to your hair during pregnancy. Dry hair can become oilier, oily hair can become dry, curly hair can become straight, or vice versa.

Also, during pregnancy, your immune response changes, so you may be more vulnerable to having an allergic reaction to hair dye, even if you’ve never had one before. So if you intend to dye, I suggest doing a skin test first, as most hair dye products recommend anyway.

At the end of the day…

To the best of my knowledge and experience as a hairdresser, I would say that it is safe to dye your hair while pregnant. However, there is still no hard evidence for this and, at the end of the day, it is your decision and that of your baby. I would always recommend that you discuss this with your spouse/partner and your doctor before making a decision.

I think it’s important for women to feel good about themselves during pregnancy, whether it’s with natural hair colors or the rainbow Mohawk. But whether dyeing your hair will make you feel good or worry you needlessly for nine months is something to think about.