Double Your Postcard Response With This Simple Trick

Without a doubt one of the fastest, cheapest and most efficient ways to do direct advertising is with simple postcards.

In fact, depending on what research you look at, consumers look at around 90% of postcards. That means 90 out of 100 people you send your postcards to will at least look at your piece.

However, what is not talked about much when it comes to postcards is what is called “postcard packs”.

Postcard packs are a wonderful way to keep costs really low, reach a target market, and say the right things to the right people.

And here’s a tip I got on using postcard packs when I interviewed marketing legend Jay Conrad Levinson:

If you want double the response rate for your postcard pack, tell the publisher that you want your postcard to be placed at the top of the pack.


Simply because no one else is asking about it, and you’ll get a much higher response rate with yours at the top (since everyone will have a chance to see it).

And then just to add more power to your postcards…keep asking the people at the postcard pack to do this for you every time you use their service.

Simply tell them that the response rate was very good and that you would like to continue doing so.

Usually no one will have a problem with it and your response rates will skyrocket.