Do you know the Benefits of Drinking Water?

Let’s be honest. I guess we all know that a 5% drop in bodily fluids causes a 25-30% loss of energy in the average adult. But did you know that a 15% drop in bodily fluids is dangerous enough to cause death? Yes, this is correct and has been medically proven. This in itself shows how important these bodily fluids are and what the importance and benefits of drinking water really is. Let me elaborate further.

The way the human body has been designed, it runs primarily on water and minerals. The body itself is made up of 70% water. The blood is over 80%, the brain is over 75%, and the liver is an incredible 96% water! The life and healing processes that occur within our body (such as the constant regeneration of skin, bones, hair, nails, damaged nerves, organic lining) are powered by water.

To understand the benefits of drinking water, the basic fact to remember is that the human body needs to stay well hydrated to function at its best. Water is beneficial not only to ensure efficient functioning of the body, but also to prevent many health ailments such as headaches, arthritis, hypertension, asthma, etc.

Given the fact that our brain tissue is actually 85% water, it’s not hard to conclude that water is essential for optimal brain function. A lower water content in the body causes dehydration, which reduces the level of energy generated in the brain. Studies have shown that with prolonged dehydration, brain cells actually start to shrink.

Another thing to add to the long list of benefits of drinking water is the removal of toxins from the body. Water is the only way for the body to eliminate toxins and waste. Most degenerative diseases are the result of the accumulation of toxins in the body. Drinking a large amount of water allows the body to constantly purify itself and avoid all kinds of health problems.

Now that you know the benefits of drinking water, it becomes clear that the water we consume has to be pure and 100% safe. How to ensure the same? Understanding that the water that comes out of your tap is full of chemicals and contaminants, my recommendation is to have a home water purification system.

Again, do not go for those that work on the principle of reverse osmosis and therefore demineralize the water. These minerals are essential for your body. So look for a water filter that simply removes chemicals and contaminants from your water while keeping the minerals intact.

The benefits of drinking water are numerous and crucial. The entire health of you and your family depends on it. Make a move, find a good water purifier, and make sure you have pure drinking water today.