Death is part of everyone’s life, but you can stay connected

I bet you’ve never thought of death as a part of life before. Or, more importantly, as a new beginning for those you leave behind. Consider the huge disasters that occur around the world from 9/11 that claimed thousands to the earthquakes in Haiti that claimed hundreds of thousands. Without even taking disasters like these into account, the death statistics are truly staggering: 53.4 million people die worldwide each year. That’s more than 146,000 people per day, or two per second. The cliché is true. Death is part of life. None of us escapes it. And yet, we are all afraid of death by ourselves, as well as the fear of how to move on if/when we lose someone we love. Entire religions have been created in the quest not only to understand death, but also to conquer it. It makes sense that people are desperate for help in this area. For all the back numbers that perish each year, many more are left behind, grieving the loss of their loved one, missing them dearly, and in need of comfort.

We all need to understand death, life after death, and for some, communication after death with loved ones on the other side. What does it mean to lose someone we love? Why would we want to reach out to those who are now on the other side in the spiritual dimension? What is communication after death? How and why does it happen? Does it only happen to those who are psychic? So many questions about what happens to the deceased and the living once death occurs.

Connecting with the deceased on the other side is a very powerful and easy-to-do tool to help each and every one of us understand death, see death from a new perspective, stay connected to our loved ones, and most importantly important, to experience a little more peace, love and harmony in our life. Who wouldn’t want a touch of heaven on earth? Who wouldn’t want to receive, free of charge, guidance and support from those who know us so deeply and want to help us in different areas of our lives, from the other side? I can say, after connecting and deepening our post-death communications for twenty-three years, I couldn’t live without my sister on the other side. And I clearly know that she is my sister when we connect, versus God or the Angels, because I feel her, I can feel her, and I just know. Kind of like when you know you’re in love. Or when you walk into a house and you just know that she is the one for you.

You can find peace and begin to recognize the many hidden gifts that await you from your deceased loved ones on the other side. Open your heart and mind to a new approach to life. That is, through a strong bond with their loved ones who have passed away.