Buy Vision Service Plans from VSP Providers

Vision service plans are an effective way to offset the high price of eye exams, glasses, contacts and even glaucoma screenings. VSP is typically sold separately or as a bundled plan with a health insurance policy. Health insurance will cover the costs of eye injuries or medical problems with the eyes, while a vision service plan is meant to cover “wellness” costs. Maintaining and improving your vision is the purpose of your VSP providers.

Employers will cover vision plans for most people, often paying a portion of the cost, leaving you to pay what’s left. Buying your VSP through your employer is probably the least expensive route, but keep in mind that some employers don’t offer a vision plan as a benefit. IF this is the case, I suggest you purchase a vision service plan on your own as an individual.

Many people don’t know this, but there are actually two types of vision service plans. The two basic types are a discount plan and a benefits package. The discount plan usually has a deductible, which gives you the option of paying a lower or reduced amount for your vision care in exchange for an annual fee.

The vision benefit package includes coverage for eye exams, laser eye surgery, contact lenses and eyeglasses. These packages will generally require a deductible, which is the total you must pay before your plan begins making payments. Sometimes a copay will be required. A copay is a small amount you spend each time you need to see your ophthalmologist or other eye care professional.

Many VSP providers require you to choose an ophthalmologist or optician from a pre-established network of eye care professionals. Using doctors who are not in the network will require you to pay more for services.

With both options, you should be able to choose which glasses you prefer. His plan could cover the full cost of the frames. For more expensive frames, your VSP providers will cover part of the price and the balance is yours.

A benefits package will typically have prices around $10 for a monthly premium, $10 copays for each visit, and a $40 deductible each year. VSP providers will cover most of the price of glasses, and discount contact lens plans have the same monthly premium and deductible. Glasses, contact lenses and doctor visits will be available at a reduced price.

Compare and see all your options online if you don’t currently have VSP providers through your employer. If you currently have an eye doctor you like, ask what plans they accept. Make sure VSP providers offer the same benefits for their plans when you compare prices. You’ll be surprised what the plans cover. Some will only cover eye exams, while other providers will cover much more. Make sure your comparison is accurate. Two VSP providers may have similar monthly premiums but different copays or deductibles.