Are carbon fiber road bikes better?

If you’re watching the Tour de France and wondering why their bikes look different than yours, it may be because they use carbon fiber road bikes and you’re probably using aluminum bikes. There is nothing wrong with an aluminum bike. They are very affordable, they work and you can get a lot of use out of them. But here are some reasons why you prefer to go for a carbon fiber cycle:

1. Weight: In some cases, a carbon fiber road bike weighs half as much as an aluminum one. That may not sound like much, but consider how difficult it is for you to load your bike into a car or on a bus, and especially when you have to carry it up the stairs. What happens if you bike to work? The heavier the bike, the more difficult it is to bring it to the office if there are no safe places to store it outside. The lighter the bike, the easier it will be to transport it.

2. Durability: It may be hard to imagine, but you actually get more durability with a carbon fiber road bike than an aluminum one. This seems like a crazy heavy statement because it usually means more durable, but not in this case. Think of it this way, if you watch the Tour de France, you notice those racers hitting the bikes they’re on, pushing up hills, putting all their weight on the frames for hours on end. Think of the pressure those cycles go through in a single race and hold up without a problem. If a Tour de France rider wore an aluminum one, it would break within an hour.

3. Better experience: One of the reasons people want to ride a bike is to start having fun on the weekends in a completely different way. Instead of driving to work or when you go somewhere, a bike can give you a faster route because you won’t get stuck in traffic, it’s a great form of exercise, and you can visit local parks and scenic areas in a completely comfortable way. different mode. Some people even charge up their car and drive for a couple of hours just so they can bike in new areas and enjoy all it has to offer. Riding a bike is not a hobby, it is a way of life.

Yes, you’ll pay more for a carbon fiber cycle than a standard one, but you get what you pay for on this one. If you plan on using the bike frequently and need to transport it a lot, either in your car or by carrying it yourself, you’ll be very glad you opted for a carbon fiber road bike instead of the standard ones. Ask anyone who has been to both and they will tell you what the difference means. You may not be in the Tour de France next year, but it’s still nice to have the best possible team.