Alli Weight Loss Plan – Lose weight and feel great

You may have heard of the new Alli diet pill because they have been hyping it all over the place. The FDA approved this over-the-counter weight control pill that is designed to help you lose weight safely. It is a version of the prescription Oelistat that is made for overweight adults. The main claim with the alli pill is that if you use it in conjunction with a diet, you can lose 50% more weight than if you diet alone. It is also recommended that you use the pill with a low-fat diet in conjunction with an exercise plan for maximum weight loss results.

As far as side effects, there don’t appear to be any major ones and the FDA stated that there may be a change in bowel patterns. You may have looser stools than normal, but this is standard when it comes to diet products. It also emphasizes that if you are diabetic, you should not take the alli pill because it can upset your sugar level.

It has huge sales numbers for a new over the counter diet pill and there has also been a huge advertising campaign that has been touting the great results that customers have been experiencing with weight loss.

It’s good that we finally have an over-the-counter pill that appears to be safe and effective. It is always a good idea to have a good exercise plan that includes weight training because it will help you burn fat faster and lose weight.