A Look At California Child Support Calculator Software

Lawyers, judges, or parents who divorce in California cannot just generate a child support amount out of thin air. Child support amounts are carefully calculated according to detailed guidelines established by the California State Legislature. The formulas reflect the state’s current standard of living, eligible children, past financial obligations, income and tax information, and other relevant factors.

Calculating child support amounts according to California state guidelines can be time consuming. It means spending time entering raw data from a custody or divorce case, completing spreadsheets, and checking for accuracy. Unfortunately, it introduces the possibility of human error and the possibility that worksheets do not reflect the most current guidelines.

Fortunately, you can purchase California child support calculation software to reduce the risk of inaccurate support amounts. Simply enter the raw data of your custody or divorce case into the software. The program will quickly produce accurate results based on the most current state formulas.

Here are four California calculation software programs, listed alphabetically, that can help you determine accurate and fair child support totals:

1. Calsupport-Nolo Press Occidental created CalSupport software in 1971 specifically for family law professionals. CalSupport includes several easy-to-use features like self-guided tutoring, easy navigation, and superior technical support. It comes in a basic and professional version. It is certified by the Judicial Council of California.

two. Dissomaster– Superior performance for more than two decades, this family law software package also offers a range of calculation options, including spousal support, assets, division, debt division, and arrears. Dissomaster is compatible with its sister software, PROPERizer, which helps divide marital assets and debts. It is certified by the Judicial Council of California.

3. SupporTax-A complete family law software suite, SupporTax provides you with seven powerful tools to help you navigate the complexities of custody and divorce. Tools include a summary screen, custody worksheet calendar, custody function, asset divider, hourly income calculator, child support reports, and court forms. This program is certified by the Judicial Council of California.

Four. Xwife-This software not only performs calculations, but also helps you prepare reports based on your case data such as income reports and findings and rebuttal reports. California law schools, universities, public libraries, and courts can receive free copies of Xspouse Professional. Xspouse is certified by the California Judicial Council.

When it comes to calculating support totals, family law professionals such as attorneys, mediators, legal clerks, and judges turn to calculator software. These programs can make you more productive in preparing cases for court and ensure that amounts are in line with state guidelines. Whenever the state legislature updates the formulas, the software reflects those changes.

For parents looking to handle their own divorce proceedings, consider using software designed to take time and headache when calculating child support. Most calculation software companies offer a free trial so you can try them before you buy.