5 Killer Flirting Tips For Men That Drive Women Crazy

One of the biggest problems most men have in attracting women is their inability to flirt with a woman. Sure, you can make all sorts of nice gestures for them, but those things don’t communicate with a woman on a more intimate level. This is where most men get stuck in the “let’s just be friends” zone.

This makes flirting one of the best skills you can have. You can flirt with the women you want to meet, your girlfriend, your wife and just about any woman. When other women see this, they know they are in the presence of a man who just gets it.

Before you start, you should know what flirting is. The typical man thinks it’s about being nice to her or doing something nice for her. It really is much more than those two things. Flirting is really about creating energy between you and her to make your interactions more exciting. Flirting creates those feelings of excitement and energy.

Tip #1 Give and take: Most flirting tactics can be broken down into giving her something and then taking that something away. This is a way to trigger your emotions. When you give someone something they like, they usually want it back.

You: You have such pretty, soft hands. I could hold them all day.

She: (smiling)

You wait 3 minutes.

You: Your hands aren’t as nice to hold as they were a few minutes ago. I withdraw everything. It gets old after a while.

She hears! (Reaches out your hand to hold it again)

Tip #2 Compliment her: You’ve probably tried to compliment a woman before. It works great when you do it right. Flattery is best when you feel like you really appreciate it. Most guys get this wrong. They usually flatter a woman in a way that makes her think that she is desperate. He tries to find something in her that makes her the great person he thinks she really is. “Your freckles really turn me on.”

Tip #3 Lead: Women love the feeling of letting go. It’s the kind of stuff you read about in those romance novels and the stuff you fantasize about. You can give him that kind of feeling by using your leadership skills. One of the best places to start is psychically. Use your touch to show him that you will initiate and direct physical contact. To do this right away, try holding his hand too long when you shake hands.

Tip #4 Use curiosity: One of the things people can’t resist is their own curiosity. Ask yourself how you can make him curious.

“There is something very intriguing about you…”

Then she’ll want to know what intrigues you about her. You can play with this in many different ways and rephrase it in many different ways.

Tip #5 Show Interest: A woman needs to know right away that you’re interested in her and not just any woman. This shows her that you are demanding, have standards, and that she has met those standards. This will make her feel special and she will know that she was chosen by you. With all those jokes, you should ask her some questions about her and get to know her. The idea is to mix things up so that she continues to appear playful.


The key for you to know about flirting is to make sure that your behavior shows the woman that you are interested in her in a sexual way. This really is the key to flirting. Everything romantic has to come later when you’re in a relationship.