3 ways to connect with your potential customer

In your business or personal life, the importance of building relationships cannot be stressed enough. It is that connection that brings you to a level of trust.

My husband, Johnny, and I took a few dance classes learning the latest Western Swing steps a few years ago. We had a lot of fun, but the most important thing is that we learned to understand each other while developing our style. As our feet moved, our bodies learned to keep our frame strong as we read each other with light pressure that radiated into the next move. It was key as we mastered every step. We feel like we are art in motion. The signal between us was clear and focused. Your written copy can be engaging, friendly, and informative by tuning in to their way of thinking.

Today I want to share with you some practical and immediate tips that you can use with marketing to women.

1. The narrative is as old as time itself and draws us into the message by building a lasting relationship with its reader. So tell us a story that we can emotionally relate to and justify with our belief system. This helps establish a relationship by creating trust and loyalty. Stories work because your reader can view that product or service in a positive light.

two. Offer unique value with special discounts and coupons that can be used in the purchase of their products. Let’s be honest, women examine your brand for flaws in your sales message. And women spend more than $7 billion on purchases, so as you tell your story and build loyalty, don’t forget to recognize these busy people.

3. Customer service is the hallmark of successful companies like Nordstrom and Zappos. Quick response to service-related inquiries, even when the problem cannot be resolved. They offer a human connection and women respond with loyalty. Once you have that link, you don’t have to bother convincing anyone how good your product or service is. Did you know that recognizing the person and connecting with them is more important than solving the problem? Be quick to respond and earn their trust. win win

Sharing news and experiences comes naturally to most women. Make it easy to talk about your business or share a product with your friends. It goes a long way towards your success.

Engaging in your email marketing is an important part of your relationship, but don’t forget to be very clear in your language or you’ll break that delicate bond and lose your connection. Ambiguity in your message will kill the trust you have worked so hard to achieve. Be clear and focused so all your messages are more relevant. Increase the opt-out rate on future emails when your language is confusing. If you have the ability, offer him a menu of options to control the messages he receives from you.

Here is a secret when it comes to dancing as a couple. There can only be one leader. It’s your job to lead your prospect into a witty dance based on trust. In this changing world, you never go wrong when you turn your attention to your true divine nature.