How Many CEUs Do Nurse Practitioners Need to Renew Their License?

How Many CEUs Do Nurse

If you’re wondering how many CEUs you need to renew your license as a nurse practitioner, there are several factors that you’ll need to consider. The first thing to note is that not all continuing education courses are equivalent to nursing CEUs. Although CPR and advanced lifesaving courses are taught to all healthcare workers, they do not usually count as CEU credits. In addition, many states only accept CPR and advanced lifesaving courses if they are taken for initial certification or licensing, but not for renewal courses.

Taking a Nurse CEUs activity is an excellent way to maintain your license, but make sure you take a certificate or other documentation to prove that you completed the course. The certificate should be clearly labeled with the number of CEUS you’ve earned, as well as the name of the accredited provider. Additionally, if you’re pursuing a post-graduate degree, you should be sure that the course you’re taking leads to a nurse practitioner-specific degree.

Continuing education for nurse practitioners is required in many states. Some states require a certain number of contact hours to renew their license, while others require you to complete a specific topic. Many CE programs are offered by accredited providers, such as Nursing CE Central. These programs offer continuing education for nurse practitioners. In North Dakota, you can take as many as 30 of these courses without taking a test. However, keep in mind that you will need to provide evidence of these hours if you’re ever audited.

How Many CEUs Do Nurse Practitioners Need to Renew Their License?

Another option is to take a CE course through a podcast. Podcasts are ideal for obtaining CE, and some can be downloaded for free. These online courses can be completed on laptops and mobile devices. NPs should also consider attending the National Conference for Nurse Practitioners (NCP), which is held every two years in Las Vegas. If you’re wondering how many CE hours a nurse practitioner needs to maintain their license, check out NursingCE.

As a Nurse Practitioner, you’re required to take a minimum of 50 hours of continuing education each renewal cycle. This includes one hour of CE for every prescription controlled substances. The continuing education courses you take must cover the safe and appropriate use of these medications. If you’re interested in taking part in this course, you can also count those courses that you completed during the current renewal cycle. These programs can also be used for continuing education for other types of healthcare professionals.

In addition to taking an AANP-approved CE course, NPs can also take free online courses, take a certification exam, and complete 1,000 hours of clinical practice within five years. It’s important to note that some CEs do not offer AANP credits. Other online courses provide AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ that is recognized by the AANPCB. The only criteria are that the course is accredited and relevant to the practice of NPs. Some of these courses are also acceptable as continuing education for NPs.